प्रतिक्रिया लेख्दा *कृपया प्रतिक्रिया लेख्दा सभ्य भाषामा लेख्न अनुरोध छ। * जथाभावी उपनाममा लेखिएका प्रतिक्रियाहरुले स्थान नपाउन सक्छन्। नाम सहितका कमेन्टले प्राथमिकता पाउने छन्। फर्जी नाम, उपनाम लेख्नेको कमेन्ट प्रकाशित नहुन सक्छ। *असभ्य भाषा र धाकधम्की सहितका कमेन्टको आईपी प्रकाशित गर्न सकिनेछ। *हिंसालाई बढावा दिने, विद्वेश फैलाउने र निरंकुशताको पक्षपोषण गर्ने प्रतिक्रियालाई सकेसम्म स्थान दिइने छैन। * प्रतिक्रिया प्रकाशन गर्ने कि नगर्ने भन्ने सम्बन्धमा सबै निर्णय गर्ने अधिकार म आफैमा रहनेछ।
Thursday, December 24, 2009
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नेपालमा किवीको व्यावसायिक खेती
काठमाडौं/ अमेरिका र युरोपतिर सबैभन्दा राम्रो र महँगो मानिने किवी फल नेपालको माटोमा उपयुक्त भएको थाहा भएपछि व्यावसायिक खेतीमा रूपान्तरण गर्ने प्रयास थालिएको छ । किसानमाझ किवीबारे अझै पूर्णजानकारी हुन नसके पनि फललाई केही व्यक्तिले भने पहिचान गरी लाखौँ आम्दानी थालिसकेका छन् ।
काभ्रेको बनेपाका खेलकृष्ण थापाले यसको बेर्ना र फल नै उत्पादन गरेर राम्रो आम्दानी गरिरहेका छन् । दोलखाको भीमसेनस्थान नगरपालिका-१० का नवराज खड्काले २०४६ तिर एक स्विस नागरिकले आगनको डिलैमा ल्याएर रोपिदिएको अनौठो बोटबाट वर्षको १८/२० हजार आम्दानी होला भन्ने कहिल्यै सोचेका थिएनन् । तर, २०५२ यता उनले सोही बोटबाट वर्षको झन्डै २० हजार आम्दानी लिइरहेका छन् ।
'सुरुका २ वर्षसम्म फलेर त्यत्तिकै खेर गयो,' उनले भने, 'पछि खान हुने फल रहेछ भन्ने थाहा पाएपछि केही वर्ष आफैँले मात्र खायौँ' । केही वर्ष गाउभरि बाँडेर सकेको फल राजधानीका तारेहोटलले ३ सय रुपैयाँ प्रतिकेजी किन्ने चाल पाएपछि भने उनले वाषिर्क रूपमा पकेट खर्च निकाल्न थालेका छन् । खड्काको बारीमा विदेशीले रोपेको अचम्मको फल अरू केही नभएर किवी फल भएको थाहा पाएपछि उनले हाल नियमित राजधानीको हिमालय होटलमा ल्याएर फल बेचिरहेका छन् । मंसिर/पुस महिनातिर पाक्ने किवी फल चिन्नेहरूले महँगोमा खरिद गरेर खाने गरेका छन् ।
किसानमाझ खासै जानकारी नभएको किवीको व्यावसायिक खेती गरी निर्यातको समेत सम्भावना देखिएपछि सरकारी स्तरबाट पनि व्यावसायिकीकरणको प्रयास थालिने भएको छ । अहिले फलफूल विकास निर्देशनालय, कीर्तिपुरको अनुसन्धान केन्द्र तथा कृषि अनुसन्धान परिषद्का अनुसन्धान केन्द्रमा सीमित यसको खेतीलाई व्यावसायिकीकरण गर्न सरकारी तथा गैरसरकारी संस्था एकजुट हुन थालेका छन् । सरकारी र गैरसरकारी संस्थाहरूको सक्रियतामा गुल्मी, इलाम, दोलखा, मकवानपुर, काभे्रलगायतका जिल्लाका केही स्थानमा यसको व्यावसायिक खेती सुरु गर्न लागिएको छ ।
किसानलाई सक्रिय बनाएर गर्न लागिएको किवी फल खेती व्यावसायिक बनाउन सरकारी क्ष्ाेत्रले पनि विशेष पहल गर्ने आश्वासन दिएपछि किसान पनि उत्साहित भएका छन् । 'सरकारी क्षेत्रले पहिले चासो नदिए पनि अहिले चासो दिएको केही उत्साहित छौँ,' खड्काले भने । उनले किवीलाई व्यावसायिक खेतीका रूपमा विकास गर्न लागेको बताए । कृषि क्षेत्रको विकास र बढ्दो व्यापार घाटा कम गर्न किवीको व्यावसायिक उत्पादन सहायक हुने चाल पाएपछि राष्ट्रिय योजना आयोगले पनि चासो देखाएको छ ।
आयोगका उपाध्यक्ष डा. युवराज खतिवडाले हालै पालुङ, बज्रबाराहीलगायतका क्ष्ाेत्रमा लगाइएको किवीको अवलोकन गरेपछि व्यावसायिकीकरण गर्न पहल गर्ने आश्वासन बाँडेका छन् । 'किवी खेती गर्नलाई अब पकेटक्षेत्र घोषणा गरेर अघि बढ्नुपर्ने भइसकेको छ,' खतिवडाले भने, 'आयोगले यसका लागि पहल गर्नेछ ।' उनले सरकारले अन्य बालीका लागि पकेटक्षेत्र घोषणा गर्ने सरकारले निर्यात व्यापार बढाउन सक्ने किवीलाई पनि पकेटक्षेत्रमा सामेल गर्नुपर्ने बताए । उनले मुलुकका विभिन्न क्ष्ाेत्रबाट आएका कृषक र व्यवसायीसँग किवी फलको विषयमा छलफल गरेको बताउँदै भने, 'मैले पनि पहिले बुझेको थिइनँ, यो आर्थिक विकासका लागि नेपालजस्तो मुलुकलाई फलदायी रहेछ ।'
वन विभागका पूर्वमहानिर्देशक डा. सनत ढुंगेल नेपाली कृषकले किवीको उत्पादन गरे बजार समस्या नरहेको बताउँछन् । न्युजिल्यान्डमा बसेर किवी खेती र यसको बजार प्रवर्द्धनलाई हेरेका उनले नेपालीले किवी खेतीबाट राम्रो आम्दानी गर्न सक्ने बताए । 'यहाँ किवी उत्पादन हुने हो भने हामी जहाँ पनि निर्यात गर्न सक्छौँ,' उनले भने, 'सबैभन्दा राम्रो बजार त जापान र अमेरिका नै हुन् ।'
फलफूल विकास निर्देशनालय, कीर्तिपुरका वरिष्ठ फलफूल विकास अधिकृत देवेन्द्र सराफ नेपाली किसानलाई किवीबारे बुझाउन बाँकी रहेकाले यसको उपयोगिताको विषयमा जानकारी दिएर राम्रो आम्दानी गर्न सकिने बताउँछन् । 'हामीले गैरसरकारी संस्थासँग पनि समन्वय गरेर यसको विकास गर्न लागेका छौँ,' उनले भने । नेपालमा हाल उत्पादन भएको किवीको खासै व्यावसायिक मूल्य नदेखिएको बताउँदै उनले भने, 'अहिले परीक्षणकै अवस्थामा छ यसलाई व्यावसायिक बनाउनुपर्छ ।'के हो किवी ?
दक्षिणी चीन, भारत र जापानमा सुरुमा पत्ता लगाएको किवी फललाई मुख्यतः न्युजिल्यान्डले परिचित गराएको हो । संसारकै महँगो र विलासी फलमध्येमा पर्ने किवी फललाई बेरी प्रजातिभित्रै राखिएको छ । सुरुमा चियक्टिनिडिया भन्ने जातको किवी फल दक्षिण चीनबाट पत्ता लागेपछि यसले व्यावसायिक रूप लिएको बताइन्छ । अहिले इटाली, चीन र न्युजिल्यान्डमा मुख्य खेती गरिने यसको नाम न्युजिल्यान्डले चर्चित चरा किवीका आधारमा राखिएको हो । किवीलाई न्युजिल्यान्डको राष्ट्रिय फलसमेत मान्ने गरिएको छ ।
न्युजिल्यान्डले १९५० देखि अमेरिकामा किवी फल निर्यात थालेको थियो । यसको खेती विस्तार हुँदै चीन, भारत, जापान र साइबेरिया पुगेको छ । तर, मुख्य निर्यातकर्तामा इटाली र न्युजिल्यान्ड नै रहने गरेका छन् । भाले र पोथी दुईखालको लहराजस्तै हुने किवीलाई फलाउन दुवै बोट रोप्नुपर्ने हुन्छ । बीउबाट बेर्ना उमार्ने र कलमी गर्ने पनि सकिने यसलाई कलमी गरेमा छिटो उत्पादन लिन सकिन्छ । नेपाली बजारमा पनि हाल ३ सय रुपैयाँ केजी बिक्री हुने यो फल न्युजिल्यान्डले वाषिर्क १ अर्बबराबर निर्यात गर्ने गरेको छ । किवी निर्यात धेरै गर्ने भएकाले पनि न्युजिल्यान्डलाई किवीको देश भन्ने गरिएको छ ।
२ हजार फिटदेखि ६ हजार फिटसम्मको उचाइमा खेती गर्न सकिने किवीले साढे ४ डिग्री सेल्सियसभन्दा कम चिसो सहन नसक्ने कृषि वैज्ञानिक बताउँछन् । यसका लागि वाषिर्क ५१ देखि ६४ इन्च वषर्ा आवश्यक हुन्छ । नेपालको वातावरणमा 'ओमेगा थ्री' जातको किवी खेतीबाट बढी फाइदा लिन सकिन्छ । अक्टोबर, डिसेम्बरमा पाक्ने यो फल लगाएको रोपेको ४ वर्षमा प्रतिहेक्टर १५ दशमलब ७ मेटि्रकटन र ८ वर्षमा २० मेटि्रकटन प्रतिहेक्टर उत्पादन लिन सकिन्छ ।
नेपालमा किवीको व्यावसायिक खेती
काभ्रेको बनेपाका खेलकृष्ण थापाले यसको बेर्ना र फल नै उत्पादन गरेर राम्रो आम्दानी गरिरहेका छन् । दोलखाको भीमसेनस्थान नगरपालिका-१० का नवराज खड्काले २०४६ तिर एक स्विस नागरिकले आगनको डिलैमा ल्याएर रोपिदिएको अनौठो बोटबाट वर्षको १८/२० हजार आम्दानी होला भन्ने कहिल्यै सोचेका थिएनन् । तर, २०५२ यता उनले सोही बोटबाट वर्षको झन्डै २० हजार आम्दानी लिइरहेका छन् ।
'सुरुका २ वर्षसम्म फलेर त्यत्तिकै खेर गयो,' उनले भने, 'पछि खान हुने फल रहेछ भन्ने थाहा पाएपछि केही वर्ष आफैँले मात्र खायौँ' । केही वर्ष गाउभरि बाँडेर सकेको फल राजधानीका तारेहोटलले ३ सय रुपैयाँ प्रतिकेजी किन्ने चाल पाएपछि भने उनले वाषिर्क रूपमा पकेट खर्च निकाल्न थालेका छन् । खड्काको बारीमा विदेशीले रोपेको अचम्मको फल अरू केही नभएर किवी फल भएको थाहा पाएपछि उनले हाल नियमित राजधानीको हिमालय होटलमा ल्याएर फल बेचिरहेका छन् । मंसिर/पुस महिनातिर पाक्ने किवी फल चिन्नेहरूले महँगोमा खरिद गरेर खाने गरेका छन् ।
किसानमाझ खासै जानकारी नभएको किवीको व्यावसायिक खेती गरी निर्यातको समेत सम्भावना देखिएपछि सरकारी स्तरबाट पनि व्यावसायिकीकरणको प्रयास थालिने भएको छ । अहिले फलफूल विकास निर्देशनालय, कीर्तिपुरको अनुसन्धान केन्द्र तथा कृषि अनुसन्धान परिषद्का अनुसन्धान केन्द्रमा सीमित यसको खेतीलाई व्यावसायिकीकरण गर्न सरकारी तथा गैरसरकारी संस्था एकजुट हुन थालेका छन् । सरकारी र गैरसरकारी संस्थाहरूको सक्रियतामा गुल्मी, इलाम, दोलखा, मकवानपुर, काभे्रलगायतका जिल्लाका केही स्थानमा यसको व्यावसायिक खेती सुरु गर्न लागिएको छ ।
किसानलाई सक्रिय बनाएर गर्न लागिएको किवी फल खेती व्यावसायिक बनाउन सरकारी क्ष्ाेत्रले पनि विशेष पहल गर्ने आश्वासन दिएपछि किसान पनि उत्साहित भएका छन् । 'सरकारी क्षेत्रले पहिले चासो नदिए पनि अहिले चासो दिएको केही उत्साहित छौँ,' खड्काले भने । उनले किवीलाई व्यावसायिक खेतीका रूपमा विकास गर्न लागेको बताए । कृषि क्षेत्रको विकास र बढ्दो व्यापार घाटा कम गर्न किवीको व्यावसायिक उत्पादन सहायक हुने चाल पाएपछि राष्ट्रिय योजना आयोगले पनि चासो देखाएको छ ।
आयोगका उपाध्यक्ष डा. युवराज खतिवडाले हालै पालुङ, बज्रबाराहीलगायतका क्ष्ाेत्रमा लगाइएको किवीको अवलोकन गरेपछि व्यावसायिकीकरण गर्न पहल गर्ने आश्वासन बाँडेका छन् । 'किवी खेती गर्नलाई अब पकेटक्षेत्र घोषणा गरेर अघि बढ्नुपर्ने भइसकेको छ,' खतिवडाले भने, 'आयोगले यसका लागि पहल गर्नेछ ।' उनले सरकारले अन्य बालीका लागि पकेटक्षेत्र घोषणा गर्ने सरकारले निर्यात व्यापार बढाउन सक्ने किवीलाई पनि पकेटक्षेत्रमा सामेल गर्नुपर्ने बताए । उनले मुलुकका विभिन्न क्ष्ाेत्रबाट आएका कृषक र व्यवसायीसँग किवी फलको विषयमा छलफल गरेको बताउँदै भने, 'मैले पनि पहिले बुझेको थिइनँ, यो आर्थिक विकासका लागि नेपालजस्तो मुलुकलाई फलदायी रहेछ ।'
वन विभागका पूर्वमहानिर्देशक डा. सनत ढुंगेल नेपाली कृषकले किवीको उत्पादन गरे बजार समस्या नरहेको बताउँछन् । न्युजिल्यान्डमा बसेर किवी खेती र यसको बजार प्रवर्द्धनलाई हेरेका उनले नेपालीले किवी खेतीबाट राम्रो आम्दानी गर्न सक्ने बताए । 'यहाँ किवी उत्पादन हुने हो भने हामी जहाँ पनि निर्यात गर्न सक्छौँ,' उनले भने, 'सबैभन्दा राम्रो बजार त जापान र अमेरिका नै हुन् ।'
फलफूल विकास निर्देशनालय, कीर्तिपुरका वरिष्ठ फलफूल विकास अधिकृत देवेन्द्र सराफ नेपाली किसानलाई किवीबारे बुझाउन बाँकी रहेकाले यसको उपयोगिताको विषयमा जानकारी दिएर राम्रो आम्दानी गर्न सकिने बताउँछन् । 'हामीले गैरसरकारी संस्थासँग पनि समन्वय गरेर यसको विकास गर्न लागेका छौँ,' उनले भने । नेपालमा हाल उत्पादन भएको किवीको खासै व्यावसायिक मूल्य नदेखिएको बताउँदै उनले भने, 'अहिले परीक्षणकै अवस्थामा छ यसलाई व्यावसायिक बनाउनुपर्छ ।'के हो किवी ?
दक्षिणी चीन, भारत र जापानमा सुरुमा पत्ता लगाएको किवी फललाई मुख्यतः न्युजिल्यान्डले परिचित गराएको हो । संसारकै महँगो र विलासी फलमध्येमा पर्ने किवी फललाई बेरी प्रजातिभित्रै राखिएको छ । सुरुमा चियक्टिनिडिया भन्ने जातको किवी फल दक्षिण चीनबाट पत्ता लागेपछि यसले व्यावसायिक रूप लिएको बताइन्छ । अहिले इटाली, चीन र न्युजिल्यान्डमा मुख्य खेती गरिने यसको नाम न्युजिल्यान्डले चर्चित चरा किवीका आधारमा राखिएको हो । किवीलाई न्युजिल्यान्डको राष्ट्रिय फलसमेत मान्ने गरिएको छ ।
न्युजिल्यान्डले १९५० देखि अमेरिकामा किवी फल निर्यात थालेको थियो । यसको खेती विस्तार हुँदै चीन, भारत, जापान र साइबेरिया पुगेको छ । तर, मुख्य निर्यातकर्तामा इटाली र न्युजिल्यान्ड नै रहने गरेका छन् । भाले र पोथी दुईखालको लहराजस्तै हुने किवीलाई फलाउन दुवै बोट रोप्नुपर्ने हुन्छ । बीउबाट बेर्ना उमार्ने र कलमी गर्ने पनि सकिने यसलाई कलमी गरेमा छिटो उत्पादन लिन सकिन्छ । नेपाली बजारमा पनि हाल ३ सय रुपैयाँ केजी बिक्री हुने यो फल न्युजिल्यान्डले वाषिर्क १ अर्बबराबर निर्यात गर्ने गरेको छ । किवी निर्यात धेरै गर्ने भएकाले पनि न्युजिल्यान्डलाई किवीको देश भन्ने गरिएको छ ।
२ हजार फिटदेखि ६ हजार फिटसम्मको उचाइमा खेती गर्न सकिने किवीले साढे ४ डिग्री सेल्सियसभन्दा कम चिसो सहन नसक्ने कृषि वैज्ञानिक बताउँछन् । यसका लागि वाषिर्क ५१ देखि ६४ इन्च वषर्ा आवश्यक हुन्छ । नेपालको वातावरणमा 'ओमेगा थ्री' जातको किवी खेतीबाट बढी फाइदा लिन सकिन्छ । अक्टोबर, डिसेम्बरमा पाक्ने यो फल लगाएको रोपेको ४ वर्षमा प्रतिहेक्टर १५ दशमलब ७ मेटि्रकटन र ८ वर्षमा २० मेटि्रकटन प्रतिहेक्टर उत्पादन लिन सकिन्छ ।
1 Hectare =107,639.10 Square Feet=29.53 Kaththa= nearly Nepali 1.5 Bigha(taraiko) 17,000Kg /30=566KG /Katha *150Rs/KG thok=84,000/katha
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
LED part1




Example: Circuit symbol:
FunctionLEDs emit light when an electric current passes through them.
Connecting and soldering LEDs must be connected the correct way round, the diagram may be labelled a or + for anode and k or - for cathode (yes, it really is k, not c, for cathode!). The cathode is the short lead and there may be a slight flat on the body of round LEDs. If you can see inside the LED the cathode is the larger electrode (but this is not an official identification method).
LEDs can be damaged by heat when soldering, but the risk is small unless you are very slow. No special precautions are needed for soldering most LEDs.
Testing an LEDNever connect an LED directly to a battery or power supply! It will be destroyed almost instantly because too much current will pass through and burn it out.
LEDs must have a resistor in series to limit the current to a safe value, for quick testing purposes a 1k resistor is suitable for most LEDs if your supply voltage is 12V or less. Remember to connect the LED the correct way round!
For an accurate value please see Calculating an LED resistor value below.
Colours of LEDs LEDs are available in red, orange, amber, yellow, green, blue and white. Blue and white LEDs are much more expensive than the other colours.
The colour of an LED is determined by the semiconductor material, not by the colouring of the 'package' (the plastic body). LEDs of all colours are available in uncoloured packages which may be diffused (milky) or clear (often described as 'water clear'). The coloured packages are also available as diffused (the standard type) or transparent.
Tri-colour LEDs The most popular type of tri-colour LED has a red and a green LED combined in one package with three leads. They are called tri-colour because mixed red and green light appears to be yellow and this is produced when both the red and green LEDs are on.
The diagram shows the construction of a tri-colour LED. Note the different lengths of the three leads. The centre lead (k) is the common cathode for both LEDs, the outer leads (a1 and a2) are the anodes to the LEDs allowing each one to be lit separately, or both together to give the third colour.
Bi-colour LEDsA bi-colour LED has two LEDs wired in 'inverse parallel' (one forwards, one backwards) combined in one package with two leads. Only one of the LEDs can be lit at one time and they are less useful than the tri-colour LEDs described above.
Sizes, Shapes and Viewing angles of LEDs
LED Clip
Photograph © Rapid ElectronicsLEDs are available in a wide variety of sizes and shapes. The 'standard' LED has a round cross-section of 5mm diameter and this is probably the best type for general use, but 3mm round LEDs are also popular.
Round cross-section LEDs are frequently used and they are very easy to install on boxes by drilling a hole of the LED diameter, adding a spot of glue will help to hold the LED if necessary. LED clips are also available to secure LEDs in holes. Other cross-section shapes include square, rectangular and triangular.
As well as a variety of colours, sizes and shapes, LEDs also vary in their viewing angle. This tells you how much the beam of light spreads out. Standard LEDs have a viewing angle of 60° but others have a narrow beam of 30° or less.
Rapid Electronics stock a wide selection of LEDs and their catalogue is a good guide to the range available.
Calculating an LED resistor value An LED must have a resistor connected in series to limit the current through the LED, otherwise it will burn out almost instantly.
The resistor value, R is given by:
R = (VS - VL) / I
VS = supply voltage VL = LED voltage (usually 2V, but 4V for blue and white LEDs) I = LED current (e.g. 20mA), this must be less than the maximum permitted
If the calculated value is not available choose the nearest standard resistor value which is greater, so that the current will be a little less than you chose. In fact you may wish to choose a greater resistor value to reduce the current (to increase battery life for example) but this will make the LED less bright.
For exampleIf the supply voltage VS = 9V, and you have a red LED (VL = 2V), requiring a current I = 20mA = 0.020A, R = (9V - 2V) / 0.02A = 350, so choose 390 (the nearest standard value which is greater).
Working out the LED resistor formula using Ohm's lawOhm's law says that the resistance of the resistor, R = V/I, where: V = voltage across the resistor (= VS - VL in this case) I = the current through the resistor
So R = (VS - VL) / I
For more information on the calculations please see the Ohm's Law page.
Connecting LEDs in series If you wish to have several LEDs on at the same time it may be possible to connect them in series. This prolongs battery life by lighting several LEDs with the same current as just one LED.
All the LEDs connected in series pass the same current so it is best if they are all the same type. The power supply must have sufficient voltage to provide about 2V for each LED (4V for blue and white) plus at least another 2V for the resistor. To work out a value for the resistor you must add up all the LED voltages and use this for VL.
Example calculations: A red, a yellow and a green LED in series need a supply voltage of at least 3 × 2V + 2V = 8V, so a 9V battery would be ideal. VL = 2V + 2V + 2V = 6V (the three LED voltages added up). If the supply voltage VS is 9V and the current I must be 15mA = 0.015A, Resistor R = (VS - VL) / I = (9 - 6) / 0.015 = 3 / 0.015 = 200, so choose R = 220 (the nearest standard value which is greater).
Avoid connecting LEDs in parallel! Connecting several LEDs in parallel with just one resistor shared between them is generally not a good idea.
If the LEDs require slightly different voltages only the lowest voltage LED will light and it may be destroyed by the larger current flowing through it. Although identical LEDs can be successfully connected in parallel with one resistor this rarely offers any useful benefit because resistors are very cheap and the current used is the same as connecting the LEDs individually. If LEDs are in parallel each one should have its own resistor.
Reading a table of technical data for LEDsSuppliers' catalogues usually include tables of technical data for components such as LEDs. These tables contain a good deal of useful information in a compact form but they can be difficult to understand if you are not familiar with the abbreviations used.
The table below shows typical technical data for some 5mm diameter round LEDs with diffused packages (plastic bodies). Only three columns are important and these are shown in bold. Please see below for explanations of the quantities.
5mcd @ 10mA
Bright red
80mcd @ 10mA
32mcd @ 10mA
32mcd @ 10mA
High intensity
60mcd @ 20mA
Super bright
500mcd @ 20mA
Low current
5mcd @ 2mA
IF max.
Maximum forward current, forward just means with the LED connected correctly.
VF typ.
Typical forward voltage, VL in the LED resistor calculation. This is about 2V, except for blue and white LEDs for which it is about 4V.
VF max.
Maximum forward voltage.
VR max.
Maximum reverse voltage You can ignore this for LEDs connected the correct way round.
Luminous intensity
Brightness of the LED at the given current, mcd = millicandela.
Viewing angle
Standard LEDs have a viewing angle of 60°, others emit a narrower beam of about 30°.
The peak wavelength of the light emitted, this determines the colour of the LED. nm = nanometre.
Flashing LEDsFlashing LEDs look like ordinary LEDs but they contain an integrated circuit (IC) as well as the LED itself. The IC flashes the LED at a low frequency, typically 3Hz (3 flashes per second). They are designed to be connected directly to a supply, usually 9 - 12V, and no series resistor is required. Their flash frequency is fixed so their use is limited and you may prefer to build your own circuit to flash an ordinary LED, for example our Flashing LED project which uses a 555 astable circuit.
LED DisplaysLED displays are packages of many LEDs arranged in a pattern, the most familiar pattern being the 7-segment displays for showing numbers (digits 0-9). The pictures below illustrate some of the popular designs:
Dot matrix
Photographs © Rapid Electronics
Pin connections of LED displays
Pin connections diagram© Rapid ElectronicsThere are many types of LED display and a supplier's catalogue should be consulted for the pin connections. The diagram on the right shows an example from the Rapid Electronics catalogue. Like many 7-segment displays, this example is available in two versions: Common Anode (SA) with all the LED anodes connected together and Common Cathode (SC) with all the cathodes connected together. Letters a-g refer to the 7 segments, A/C is the common anode or cathode as appropriate (on 2 pins). Note that some pins are not present (NP) but their position is still numbered.
LED and 6V 4.5ah Lead Acid Battery
L.E.D Basics
Now for how to make 15 milliamps flow through the LED:
First you need to know the LED voltage drop. It is safe enough to assume 1.7 volts for non-high-brightness red, 1.9 volts for high-brightness, high-efficiency and low-current red, and 2 volts for orange and yellow, and 2.1 volts for green. Assume 3.4 volts for bright white, bright non-yellowish green, and most blue types. Assume 4.6 volts for 430 nM bright blue types such as Everbright and Radio Shack. Design for 12 milliamps for the 3.4 volt types and 10 milliamps for the 430 NM blue.
You can design for higher current if you are adventurous or you know you will have a good lack of heat buildup. In such a case, design for 25 ma for the types with voltage near 2 volts, 18 ma for the 3.4 volt types, and 15 ma for the 430 NM blue.
Meet or exceed the maximum rated current of the LED only under favorable conditions of lack of heat buildup. Some LED current ratings assume some really favorable test conditions - such as being surrounded by air no warmer than 25 degrees Celsius and some decent thermal conduction from where the leads are mounted. Running the LED at specified laboratory conditions used for maximum current rating will make it lose half its light output after rated life expectancy (20,000 to 100,000 hours) - optimistically! You can use somewhat higher currents if you heat-sink the leads and/or can tolerate much shorter life expectancy.
Next, know your supply voltage. It should be well above the LED voltage for reliable, stable LED operation. Use at least 3 volts for the lower voltage types, 4.5 volts for the 3.4 volt types, and 6 volts for the 430 NM blue.
The voltage in most cars is 14 volts while the alternator is successfully charging the battery. A well-charged 12 volt lead-acid battery is 12.6 volts with a light load discharging it. Many "wall wart" DC power supplies provide much higher voltage than specified if the load is light, so you need to measure them under a light load that draws maybe 10-20 milliamps.
Next step is to subtract the LED voltage from the supply voltage. This gives you the voltage that must be dropped by the dropping resistor. Example: 3.4 volt LED with a 6 volt supply voltage. Subtracting these gives 2.6 volts to be dropped by the dropping resistor.
The next step is to divide the dropped voltage by the LED current to get the value of the dropping resistor. If you divide volts by amps, you get the resistor value in ohms. If you divide volts by milliamps, you get the resistor value in kilo-ohms or k.
Example: 6 volt supply, 3.4 volt LED, 12 milliamps. Divide 2.6 by .012. This gives 217 ohms. The nearest standard resistor value is 220 ohms.
If you want to operate the 3.4 volt LED from a 6 volt power supply at the LED's "typical" current of 20 ma, then 2.6 divided by .02 yields a resistor value of 130 ohms. The next higher popular standard value is 150 ohms.
If you want to run a typical 3.4 volt LED from a 6 volt supply at its maximum rated current of 30 ma, then divide 2.6 by .03. This indicates 87 ohms. The next higher popular standard resistor value is 100 ohms. Please beware that I consider the 30 ma rating for 3.4-3.5 volt LEDs to be optimistic.
One more thing to do is to check the resistor wattage. Multiply the dropped voltage by the LED current to get the wattage being dissipated in the resistor. Example: 2.6 volts times .03 amp (30 milliamps) is .078 watt. For good reliability, I recommend not exceeding 60 percent of the wattage rating of the resistor. A 1/4 watt resistor can easily handle .078 watt. In case you need a more powerful resistor, there are 1/2 watt resistors widely available in the popular values.
You can put LEDs in series with only one resistor for the whole series string. Add up the voltages of all the LEDs in the series string. This should not exceed 80 percent of the supply voltage if you want good stability and predictable current consumption. The dropped voltage will then be the supply voltage minus the total voltage of the LEDs in the series string.
Do not put LEDs in parallel with each other. Although this usually works, it is not reliable. LEDs become more conductive as they warm up, which may lead to unstable current distribution through paralleled LEDs. LEDs in parallel need their own individual dropping resistors. Series strings can be paralleled if each string has its own dropping resistor.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Iris recognition
Iris scan biometrics employs the unique characteristics and features of the human iris in order to verify the identity of an individual. The iris is the area of the eye where the pigmented or coloured circle, usually brown or blue, rings the dark pupil of the eye.
The iris-scan process begins with a photograph. A specialized camera, typically very close to the subject, no more than three feet, uses an infrared imager to illuminate the eye and capture a very high-resolution photograph. This process takes only one to two seconds and provides the details of the iris that are mapped, recorded and stored for future matching/verification.
Eyeglasses and contact lenses present no problems to the quality of the image and the iris-scan systems test for a live eye by checking for the normal continuous fluctuation in pupil size.
The inner edge of the iris is located by an iris-scan algorithm which maps the iris’ distinct patterns and characteristics. An algorithm is a series of directives that tell a biometric system how to interpret a specific problem. Algorithms have a number of steps and are used by the biometric system to determine if a biometric sample and record is a match.
Iris’ are composed before birth and, except in the event of an injury to the eyeball, remain unchanged throughout an individual’s lifetime. Iris patterns are extremely complex, carry an astonishing amount of information and have over 200 unique spots. The fact that an individual’s right and left eyes are different and that patterns are easy to capture, establishes iris-scan technology as one of the biometrics that is very resistant to false matching and fraud.
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The false acceptance rate for iris recognition systems is 1 in 1.2 million, statistically better than the average fingerprint recognition system. The real benefit is in the false-rejection rate, a measure of authenticated users who are rejected. Fingerprint scanners have a 3 percent false-rejection rate, whereas iris scanning systems boast ratees at the 0 percent level.
Iris-scan technology has been piloted in ATM environments in England, the US, Japan and Germany since as early as 1997. In these pilots the customer’s iris data became the verification tool for access to the bank account, thereby eliminating the need for the customer to enter a PIN number or password. When the customer presented their eyeball to the ATM machine and the identity verification was positive, access was allowed to the bank account. These applications were very successful and eliminated the concern over forgotten or stolen passwords and received tremendously high customer approval ratings.
Airports have begun to use iris-scanning for such diverse functions as employee identification/verification for movement through secure areas and allowing registered frequent airline passengers a system that enables fast and easy identity verification in order to expedite their path through passport control.
Other applications include monitoring prison transfers and releases, as well as projects designed to authenticate on-line purchasing, on-line banking, on-line voting and on-line stock trading to name just a few. Iris-scan offers a high level of user security, privacy and general peace of mind for the consumer.
A highly accurate technology such as iris-scan has vast appeal because the inherent argument for any biometric is, of course, increased security
Benefits of Using Iris Technology
The iris is a thin membrane on the interior of the eyeball. Iris patterns are extremely complex.
Patterns are individual (even in fraternal or identical twins).
Patterns are formed by six months after birth, stable after a year. They remain the same for life.
Imitation is almost impossible.
Patterns are easy to capture and encode
Technology Comparison
Coded Pattern
Misidentification rate
Iris Recognition
Iris pattern
High-security facilities
Hand Shape
Size, length and thickness of hands
Low-security facilities
Facial Recognition
Outline, shape and distribution of eyes and nose
Low-security facilities
Shape of letters, writing order, pen pressure
Low-security facilities
Voice characteristics
Telephone service
Source: AIM Japan, Automatic Identification Seminar, Sept.14, 2001
Iris-Scan: How it Works
Dr. John Daugman's work in iris recognition form the basis of this information. Information and images found on his website, http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/users/jgd1000, are presented below.
Iris recognition leverages the unique features of the human iris to perform identification and, in certain cases, verification.
The Iris
Iris recognition is based on visible (via regular and/or infrared light) qualities of the iris. A primary visible characteristic is the trabecular meshwork (permanently formed by the 8th month of gestation), a tissue which gives the appearance of dividing the iris in a radial fashion. Other visible characteristics include rings, furrows, freckles, and the corona, to cite only the more familiar.
Expressed simply, iris recognition technology converts these visible characteristics as a phase sequence into a 512 byte IrisCode(tm), a template stored for future identification attempts. From the iris' 11mm diameter, Dr. Daugman's algorithms provide 3.4 bits of data per square mm. This density of information is such that each iris can be said to have 266 'degrees of freedom', as opposed to 13-60 for traditional biometric technologies. This '266' measurement is cited in most iris recognition literature; after allowing for the algorithm's correlative functions and for characteristics inherent to most human eyes, Dr. Daugman concludes that 173 "independent binary degrees-of-freedom" can be extracted from his algorithm - an exceptionally large number for a biometric. A key differentiator of iris-scan technology is the fact that 512 byte templates are generated for every iris, which facilitates match speed (capable of matching over 500,000 templates per second)
Iris Acquisition
The first step is location of the iris by a dedicated camera no more than 3 feet from the eye. After the camera situates the eye, the algorithm narrows in from the right and left of the iris to locate its outer edge. This horizontal approach accounts for obstruction caused by the eyelids. It simultaneously locates the inner edge of the iris (at the pupil), excluding the lower 90° because of inherent moisture and lighting issues.
Iris-Scan Issues
Iris-scan technology requires reasonably controlled and cooperative user interaction - the enrollee must hold still in a certain spot, even if only momentarily. Many users struggle to interact with the system until they become accustomed to its operations. In applications whose user interaction is frequent (e.g. employee physical access), the technology grows easier to use; however, applications in which user interaction is infrequent (e.g. national ID) may encounter ease-of-use issues. Over time, with improved acquisition devices, this issue should grow less problematic.
The accuracy claims associated with iris-scan technology may overstate the real-world efficacy of the technology. Because the claimed equal error rates are derived from assessment and matching of ideal iris images (unlike those acquired in the field), actual results may not live up to the astronomical projections provided by leading suppliers of the technology.
Lastly, since iris technology is designed to be an identification technology, fallback procedures may not be as fully developed as in a verification deployment (users accustomed to identification may not carry necessary ID, for example). Though these issues do not reduce the effectiveness of iris recognition technology, they must be kept in mind should a company decide to implement on iris-based solution.
Iris-Scan Applications
Iris-scan technology has traditionally been deployed in high-security employee-facing physical access implementations, although 2002 saw a number of novel, high-profile iris-scan deployments in new applications. Iridian - the technology’s primary developer - is dedicated to moving the technology to the desktop, and has had some success in small-scale logical access deployments. The most prominent recent deployments of iris-scan technology have been passenger authentication programs at airports in the U.S., U.K., Amsterdam, and Iceland; the technology is also used in corrections applications in the U.S. to identify inmates. A number of developing countries are considering iris-scan technology for national ID and other large-scale 1:N applications, although to date it is still believed that the largest deployed Iridian database spans under 100,000 enrollees. Notable iris-scan applications include the following.
Project Description
Vertical Sector
Horizontal Application
Application Description
Additional Description
Iris in Pakistan
Civil ID
Afghan refugees receive assistance package on first enrollment through UNHCR
Iris Pilot - Logan
Travel and Transportation
Phys Acc/T&A
Physical Access
Iris piloted for employee access to security office (LG3000)
JFK Iris Pilot
Travel and Transportation
Phys Acc/T&A
Physical Access
1 door to tarmac protected
City Hospital of Bad Reichenhall in Bavaria
Health care
Phys Acc/T&A
Physical Access
Access control to infant center to prevent kidnappings
Singapore Border Crossing
Travel and Transportation
Physical Access
50k day workers enter Singapore from Malaysia daily by motorcycle. Iris-scan does 1:N
UK Passport Office Iris Pilot
Civil ID
Opt-in pilot to test iris acceptance, part of 6-mo public comment period
Venerable Bede (UK) School - Iris
900-pupil school to use Iridian for library check-out and cafeteria payment
Iris-Scan Market Size
Though it is one of the later emerging technologies in the biometric market, iris-scan is set to grow substantially through 2007. Iris-scan offers low false match rates and hands-free operation, and is the only viable alternative to fingerprint technologies in 1:N applications where a single record must be located. Iris-scan's resistance to false matches is offset somewhat by the the level of training required to use the system effectively. As such, iris-scan will primarily be used in applications that require high levels of security, although convenience-driven deployments (e.g. Privium) will continue. Iris-scan revenues are projected to grow from $16.2m in 2002 to $210.2m in 2007. Iris-scan revenues are expected to comprise approximately 5% of the entire biometric market.
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I am a human being. I have emotions, I am selfish, I am cruel, I am needy, I am arrogant, I am fallible, I am gullible, I am skeptic, I am optimistic, I am proud, I have an animal instinct... talking about animal, there is where we are so different from an animal.We are an animal. Animals live in this world, do pretty much the same thing we do, eat, play, grow, rest, reproduce and among many other things, die. I, on the other hand, have a brain to think more, learn more and remember more, longer. We have a new set of emotions and perception due to our knowledge.I cannot be happy with eating, playing, growing, resting, reproducing and dieing. I have an in-born desire to think of the environment around me, I need to think what the person walking in front of me, whom I have never met before, think of my attire and of the way I walk. I need to know why a friend of mine, bad mouthed me to another friend. I need to think of why my bank balance is not growing at the rate I would like to see it grow. I want to know why the sky is blue and when is the next comet passing through our night sky.I am worried about my job, my wealth, my health, my friends, my future, my parents, my spouse, my child, my body, and I am still not content thinking just about my circle. I am thinking about inanimate stuffs that are around me, materials of comfort, materials of social pride, materials of impression. Worried about acquiring them, keeping them and using them. I am not yet content. I am willing to use my brain cells to think further that has least effect on my life. We think about this universe, the economy, the price of gas, car insurance, electric bill, what not. How do we manage to think about it all and still keep our sanity? Why is our brain so complex that we spend so much time just thinking about it all and all the time? Can you imagine what it would be like if we did not have to think of it all and just think of what mattered to us the most? We would have been like an animal but what’s wrong with that? But I guess there is nothing wrong with the way we are now either.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
50 Social Media and Networking Sites for the Medically Minded
Nurses can connect in the virtual world on these sites, which promise social networking and professional networking.
- NurseGroups.com: Get a free membership with this site for social networking, professional networking and blogging.
- NurseLinkUp: As "The Nurse Social Network," this community features news stories and studies as well as a place for nurses to connect online.
- Nurse Connect: This website includes nursing forums, blogs, news stories, job posts, information about nurse education and more.
- International Council of Nurses: Connect with nurses around the world through this network, which has been around for over 100 years.
- TravelNursingBlogs: Read blog posts or start your own blog on this site to share stories and learn about travel nursing.
- Nurse’s Cafe: Nurse’s Cafe is a social networking site that’s still in beta form. Use the site to link up with other medical professionals in your area or specialty, or who share similar interests and hobbies.
- Nurse.com: Here, nurses can connect over blogs, photos, forums, and job postings.
- National Association of Hispanic Nurses: Learn about conferences, scholarships, awards and networking for hispanic nurses on this official site.
- NursingDiscussions.com: Read articles, learn about education opportunities, check out nursing blogs and visit the forum on this site for nurses.
- MyNurseBook: Nurses around the world interested in recruiting nurses and bettering public health policies network on this site.
Medical students and nursing students can rant together about heavy course loads, pick alumni’s brain about finding residencies and internship opportunities and get support from their own niche groups here.
- The Student Doctor Network: Check out the forums, research publications, and join a community based on your program to network on this site.
- Latino Medical Student Association: Get scholarship information, network with alumni and other students, and learn about research and training opportunities through the LMSA.
- National ICAM Student Network: Here you’ll find resources and networking opportunities through the National Integrative/Complementary and Alternative Medicine Network.
- American Medical Student Association: Get medical student news, learn about residencies and other training opportunities, and become a part of the greater medical student community.
- Asian Student Medical Journal: This site offers information and support to Asian medical students.
- National Student Nurses Association: Access a career center, events calendar and special member services and benefits just for student nurses on this site.
To get some feedback on a research project or a troubling case, consider jumping on one of these forums which will link you up with your colleagues around the world.
- DocsBoard.com: Physicians are welcome to discuss cases, medical news and other medical topics on this forum.
- Ultimate Nurse: The forum postings on this site deal with travel nursing, jobs, and general rants and reviews.
- OBGYN.net Discussion Forums: Hop on one of the forums reserved for medical professionals, like the physicians-in-training forum, OB-GYN-L, or Tech Talk.
- Nurses Forum: Nurses can use this site to discuss everything about their profession, from training opportunities to jobs to travel nursing.
Doctors and Other Health Professionals
Physicians and other medically minded professionals flock to these social media and professional networking sites to talk about industry technologies, health care policies and their cases.
- New Media Medicine: There are over 44,000 medical professionals and students registered on this social media site, which includes a forum, e-Learning center, user blogs and more.
- Sermo: Sermo’s motto is to "know more. Know earlier," and it attracts 65,000 physicians who sync up on this site to share research, observations and cases.
- MomMD: This community features social networking, job posts and general support for women in medicine.
- Ozmosis: Doctors connect on Ozmosis, an online portal that lets them discuss medical cases, medical studies, health care policy and more.
- American Medical Association: Check in with the official site for the AMA as a quick way to get updates on health care policy and practice, as well as special events and ways to connect with other members.
- American Dental Association: Dental professionals can use this site to learn about education programs and licensure, access a library, look up other members of the ADA and more.
- World Medical Association: The WMA aims to bring together doctors and medical associations from around the world to discuss health care policies, technology, benefits, advocacy and more.
For support, peer editing services and tips for applying for grants, medical researchers can benefit from these sites.
- MDLinx: Become a part of this community, and you’ll receive updated journal articles and research findings in your specialty in your inbox regularly.
- PLoS Medicine: Join the network of researchers and physicians who peer review articles on this open access site.
- Medical Research Council: The MRC is a UK-based research group that provides information and support about fellowships and jobs, applying for grants, events and more.
- Men’s Health: Peyronie’s Disease: The physician’s page on this site has more technical discussions and reports on Peyronie’s disease.
The following list of networking sites revolves around posting and finding jobs in the medical industry, allowing students and professionals to meet up online.
- HealthCareerWeb: Join the medical community on HealthCareerWeb for social networking and help building up your professional contacts.
- Campus RN: Nurses will find lots of job search services on this site, including resume tips, a job database and the opportunity to research employers.
- JAMACareerNet: This professional networking site lets physicians search over 3,000 jobs in specialties like pediatrics, emergency medicine, hospice, pain management, urology and others.
- National Coalition of Healthcare Recruiters: Register on this job site to save your searches and your resume.
- AAMC Job Board: The job board for the Association of American Medical Colleges gives employers, hospitals and medical professionals the chance to meet online and network.
- MedHunters.com: This site has over 16,000 jobs for those in the medical industry, including allied health and nursing.
- Medzilla: Log in here to get in touch with employers and recruiters and access job search resources.
- MedicalWorkers.com: At MedicalWorkers.com, you can find a job or post a job to link up with other health care professionals.
For getting together with other health advocacy groups and individuals, try out these networking sites.
- WegoHealth: This community lets members have their own page, join groups, learn about events and talk about health and medical advocacy.
- Cancer Action Network: Visit this site to learn about current campaigns and volunteer projects in your area. The site also offers a member log-in to manage your profile and meet others.
Connecting with Patients
When you want to connect with your patients, register at one of these social media and networking sites to share your knowledge, offer support, or just find out what it’s really like to be terminally ill.
- PatientsLikeMe: This social networking group aims to connect patients with similar diseases, symptoms and health problems. Check in on your patients or learn about the social aspect of having bipolar disorder, ALS, Parkinson’s and more.
- Diabetes Mine: This site is "a gold mine of straight talk and encouragement for people living with diabetes." Doctors can also benefit from reading the personal stories from physicians and patients.
- OrganizedWisdom: This "human-powered health search" tool aims to connect patients with doctors, other patients, health care options and information that can help them. Doctors and specialists can apply to be a guide or on the Physician Review Board, which makes sure the information on the site is authoritative.
- Revolution Health Community: Patients and those in the health care industry connect on forums, blogs and profiles to discuss drugs and medicine, symptoms, and a lot more.
- Starbright World: This is a social network just for teens who are chronically ill. Members can create profiles, start a blog and meet other ill teens online.
From the Mayo Clinic’s Facebook page to entrepreneurial nurses, these social networking sites are for all kinds of medically minded people.
- Mayo Clinic Fan Page: If you’re on Facebook, link up with the Mayo Clinic’s Facebook page to meet other medically minded individuals.
- Medicine Online: Physicians and dentists can become a part of this online community to learn about upcoming conferences, access career resources and more.
- Trusted.MD: Start your own blog and read other blogs from medical professionals and patients on this network.
- Nurse Entrepreneur Network: Nurses looking to go into business for themselves will get benefits like coaching, financial resources, support and more.
Posted in Nursing Resources -- No Comments
Top 50 Homeopathy Blogs
July 22nd, 2008
Homeopathy, a controversial form of holistic healing that uses very diluted forms of natural elements to cure ailments and diseases, is catching on in the alternative medicine world and through online health blogs. The following list of homeopathy blogs explain the processes and remedies associated with homeopathy, share news and research study findings that affect homeopathic treatments, and give information on holistic healing in general.
Explaining and Discovering Homeopathy
Get an overview of homeopathic practices, treatments, education and philosophies by reading these blogs.
- Homeopathy4Health: Myths about homeopathy are debunked on this website
- Goodscience Weblog: This blog goes into detail about how science and homeopathy are interrelated in an effort to prove the effectiveness of homeopathy treatments.
- Sue Young Homeopathy: This London writer and homeopath explains homeopathy by relating it to the works and philosophies of different writers, scientists, physicians and scholars.
- Interhomeopathy: This international blog and journal has been fostering discussion and sharing remedies for almost two years.
- Homeopathy - A New Approach: Posts feature online seminars, an encyclopedia for homeopathic terms, health studies and more.
- Hmedicine.com: Recent posts on this blog include "Classical Homeopathy versus Modern Homeopathy" and the two-part series "Homeopathy:Proven Medicine or a Placebo," which discusses one of the criticisms of homeopathy.
- Glenn Ellis’ Homeopathic Health Blog: Glenn Ellis’ blog appears on the RealHeatlh The Black Wellness Magazine website. Here, he talks about effective remedies and general homeopathic philosophies.
- Jo Rodes Homeopathy: Jo Rhodes is a scientist "dedicated to all things homeopathic." Read his blog to find out how health insurance companies view homeopathic treatments, homeopathy around the world and more.
- Homeopathy: Read the guide to homeopathy and then browse posts that discuss homeopathic healing, social and scientific acceptance of homeopathy, and more.
Homeopathy News
Catch up on news, scientific studies and trends in homeopathy here.
- Laughing My Socks Off: Here, you can read about science and health news, especially stories and studies related to homeopathy.
- PhoenixHomeopathy Blog: This blog’s mission is to inspire and help "you transform your health." Posts discuss homeopathy in popular culture and various homeopathy treatments.
- Minimum Homeopathy Blog: Get reviews of homeopathy books and CDs on this blog, as well as analysis of homeopathy and health news.
- SimiliaCare.com: This "complete homeopathy portal" features a seminar on homeopathy, photo gallery, research studies, book reviews and a lot more.
- Holistic Health Living Blog: Get holistic health news, read articles about holistic living and view photos of massage and exercise routines that can help your mental and physical body heal.
- Homeopathy News: Get "tips for a healthy life" from this blog, which also covers news and updates in the homeopathy sector.
- DocRoberts Holistic Health Blog: News stories and holistic health tips are archived in the following categories on this site: men’s health, diabetes, cancer, low back pain, headache, neck pain, and others.
- Vibrant Glow: Be sure to check out this stylish news blog that also provides "tips for holistic health and radiant beauty."
- Natural Health News: This blogger shuns the effectiveness of traditional, scientific medicines and is an advocate for natural healing.
- Natural Health and Organic Living Blog: The posts on this site analyze health studies and organic living news to share information about natural health and remedies.
- Up Date News on Homeopathic and Alternative Medicines: This blog shares all of the news coming out of the homeopathic medical and educational worlds, including international conferences.
Remedies and Treatments
For lists of remedies, treatments, and information about natural elements that help the healing process, click through this list of blogs.
- Freetochoosehealth’s Weblog: This blog gives particular attention to homeopathy as a non-addictive way to treat diseases and ailments. Recent posts include "Sensible Homeopathy’ and "Homeopathy Defined — Protect Your Right to Health Freedom."
- Homeopathy Heals You Blog: This blog is all about "the homeopathic healing journey" and has information about vaccines, what to expect when you first try homeopathy, and various treatments.
- RemedyReality’s Weblog: Find practitioners and discover how homeopathic treatments work by reading this blog.
- 4minnie’s Weblog: 4minnie’s post about "safe and effective healthcare with homeopathy" explains how this healing process works.
- Homeopathic Elements Weblog: This blogger goes over each scientific element and how it is used in the homeopathic healing processes.
- Homeopathy for Women Blog: Learn about the homeopathic lifestyle and different cures on this women’s website.
- homeopathy: Find out which elements and remedies work at different times of the year and for different ailments.
- Modern Homeopathic Blog: This website discusses treatments and remedies used with a topical Ibuprofen cream and provides information on various homeopathic processes.
- Kitchen Table Healing: Sue Geller is a certified classical homeopath and blogs about scientific studies, her own journey with homeopathy, and natural healing ingredients and elements.
- Herbal Household Remedies: Get recipes, learn how to grow your own herbs, and look up ingredients on this natural healing blog.
Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine
Turn to these blogs to learn how homeopathy and alternative medicine can offer natural, gentle cures.
- Vital Patterns: A software developer and professional homeopath writes this blog to discuss science vs. scientism, and alternative medicine and homeopathy.
- Dr. Joe’s Natural Medicine: Dr. Joe gives special consideration to homeopathy in his natural medicine blog.
- The C.A.M. Report: Read about complementary and alternative medicine treatments and news on this site, which gives "fair, balanced, and to-the-point" analysis.
- Natural Health Remedies: From diet recommendations to finding natural sources of healing vitamins and minerals, this natural living blog incorporates many of the same philosophies as homeopathy.
- Natural Health: This blog is all about natural health, alternative medicine and homeopathic treatments. Look up natural vitamins and minerals and browse categories like holistic health, homeopathic remedies, and natural health news.
- Homeopathic 365: Get information on homeopathic remedies and treatment, news, and more on this site.
- Alternative Medicine Zone: This blog "covers a wide variety of issues related to alternative medicine" and strives to debunk common myths about CAM.
- Your Alternative Health Medicine Blog: Learn about different types of alt medicine here, including natural treatments for acne and internal cleansers.
- Alternative Medicine Blog: From chronic fatigue to vitamin C, this blog focuses on natural remedies and alternative medical treatments to boost your energy and cure your ailments.
- The Natural Cures Blog: Just like homeopathy, this natural cures blog believes that traditional medicines and vaccines can be more harmful than helpful to your body.
Homeopathy Philosophy
Read about holistic healing, natural medicines and other homeopathic principles when you check out these blogs.
- Aspiration of the Soul: This blogger considers how poetry, science, nature and homeopathy unlock "the hidden secrets of the universe."
- Natural Holistic Health Blog: Get reviews of health foods, natural health remedies and more on this site that shares many viewpoints with homeopaths.
- Primal Mommies: This blog and network encourages natural child rearing, including avoiding vaccines and natural medical treatments.
- Natural Health From Answers for Your Health: Browse posts like "Marketing the Miracle Cure" and "Healing Herbs" to learn more about natural health news and remedies.
- Live Life…Organics and Your Health: While not all homeopaths follow an organic lifestyle, the philosophy of pure, natural living is similar.
- Jentle Earth Healing: Homeopathy is all about gentle healing, and this blog features natural health news and information.
- Revitalize Your Health: Continue learning about natural supplements that are good for your health and natural healing processes here.
Blogs from the Experts
Find advice and information from experts in the field of homeopathy in these informative blogs.
- Healing from the Inside Out: Blogger Pam Pappas is also a psychiatry and homeopathy specialist. Read her blog for analysis on society, health and wellness, and popular treatments.
- "LIFECARE" Advanced Homeopathy: Dr. Mukhtar Ahmad is a homeopathic consultant physician at the "LIFECARE" Advanced Homeo Clinic & Research Centre in India. Read his blog to find seminars on homeopathy, as well as how homeopathy is an effective method for treating diseases like HIV.
- Ask Dr. Luc: Dr. Luc De Schepper doles out advice and tips for homeopathic treatments. Recent posts include "Time to see remedy working" and "Pregnancy morning sickness."
Posted in Health and Wellness, Nursing Resources -- No Comments
100 Killer YouTube Fitness Videos to Help You Learn ANY Sport
July 21st, 2008
Just because the weather outside isn’t cooperating with your plans to enjoy some fresh air exercise, doesn’t mean you can’t use the time to concentrate on your fitness. There are loads of videos on YouTube that can help you learn how to do just about anything, no matter your exercise interests. Whether you’re trying to improve your skills, or learn new ones altogether, these videos can be a great way to educate yourself on a number of ways to get fit. Here are 100 to get started with to start your online exercise education.
Learn everything you’ll need to know to play America’s pastime through these instructional videos.
- Learn to Throw a Fastball: Baseball enthusiast Karl gives detailed instructions on how to properly throw a fastball in this instructional video.
- Baseball for Beginners: Check out these videos which help you learn everything from how to stand correctly to what the finer points of the rules of baseball are.
- Baseball Coaches, Managers, and Umpires: Learn about the roles of all these people in the game of baseball through this video.
- The Basics of Baseball: These instructional videos lay out the basic elements of baseball, from the jobs of players to the equipment you’ll need to play.
- How to Bunt in Baseball: Learn how to bunt when you’re playing baseball with a little help from this video.
- How to Hit a Fastball: Turn your strikes into home runs with this video, which provides helpful hitting advice.
- Baseball 101: Follow along with this instructional video to learn how to throw, field and hit.
- How to Pitch a Baseball: This video can teach you some exercises that should help improve your pitches in baseball.
- Hitting 101: Hips vs. Hands: Here you’ll find an excerpt from the Baseball University series that gives you some advice on hitting, namely which part of your body should lead, your hips or your hands.
- Baseball Training and Instruction: This video on boosting batting average is part of a series aimed at helping you improve your game.
Whether you’re a true novice or a regular player looking to improve your game, these videos can give you some helpful instruction.
- Learning How to Dunk a Basketball: This CBS report follows Gil Thomas, a coach who believes he can teach almost anyone to dunk a basketball. You can get some helpful tips on improving your dunking skills from this video.
- Q-Mack: Learn a Basketball Trick: Learn some moves to impress your friends in this video about doing the "freeze frame" and the others in this series.
- Basketball Tips for Women: How to Shoot Properly: Women basketball players can benefit from watching this video, designed to help them learn to shoot the ball with ease. Check out the rest of the series for help in other areas as well.
- How to Shoot a Jump Shot: You’ll have the basics to shoot a perfect jump shot after watching this instructional video.
- How to Run Suicide Drills: Increase your speed and agility on the basketball court by watching this video on suicide drills.
- Better Basketball Defense: Improve your defensive skills by taking a look at this video and the others in this series.
- Basketball Dribbling Tips and Tricks: This video will teach you how to dribble the ball without losing control.
- How to Shoot a Long Shot: Learn what you need to do in order to sink those long shots with this video.
- How to Improve Your Free Throw Shooting: Don’t let any basket-making opportunities pass you by: watch this video on what you can do to make more free throws.
- Basketball Fundamentals: Start at the beginning with the information provided to you in this video.
Learn to play the most popular sport in the world through the instruction of these videos.
- Passing Techniques in Soccer for Beginners: Get the lowdown on the basics of passing in soccer through the helpful guidance of this video.
- Brazilian Soccer Skills: Brazil produces some of the greatest soccer players in the world, and this video and the others in the series can help take you through some of their most famous moves.
- Soccer Dribbling Tips and Techniques: Learn to move the ball quickly down the field with a little help from this video for beginners.
- How to Kick a Soccer Ball: This video can help you to ensure that you’re using the proper technique to kick a soccer ball.
- Billy Wingrove’s Learn Freestyle Football: Get some tips on how you can do fancy footwork and tricks through this clip from an instructional series.
- Throw In Technique: Learn everything you need to know about throwing in a ball in soccer with this video.
- How to Play Soccer: Player Positions: Use this video to learn what the various positions are in soccer and what each does.
- Soccer Ball Juggling Skills: Here you’ll find instruction to help you learn to control the ball better by going through juggling exercises.
- Soccer Rules for Beginners: This video outlines the rules of soccer so you can learn just how to play and what is and isn’t allowed.
- How to Train for Soccer: This video, and the rest in the series, will give you some helpful pointers for training to play soccer even when you’re not on the field.
Learn football fundamentals and more from these instructional videos.
- How to Play American Football: This series of videos will take you through the basics of football including the rules, the positions and some of the strategies used in play.
- How to Drop Kick a Football: Kicking can be an important part of playing football, so make sure you know how to do it right with some help from this video.
- How to Hold and Throw a Football: Make sure you’re getting a perfect spiral by watching this instructional video.
- How to Play Football: Advanced Tips and Techniques: Those beyond the basics can benefit from watching these videos with more in depth tips for playing football.
- How to Catch a Football: Make sure you’re not blowing any essential plays with your butterfingers by watching this helpful video that will teach you what you need to know about catching and holding onto a football.
Whether you just want to play with your friends on the weekend or hope to improve for a more competitive outing, try taking a look at these videos to build your skills.
- Learn to Play Tennis: Follow this helpful tennis video to learn a new swing, or browse through other videos from the series to learn the basics of playing tennis.
- Learn to Play Tennis: Groundstrokes: Skyler Meek from Dan’s Advantage Tennis provides beginners to tennis instruction on the most basic of tennis swings.
- Learn Tennis: This series of 49 videos covers all the elements you’ll need to learn about the rules, fundamentals and form needed to play tennis.
- The Right Tennis Grip: Ensure you’re holding your racket correctly with the information from DMac Tennis.
- How to Perform a Tennis Serve: You can’t start a game of tennis without a serve, and this video can help you learn to do just that.
These videos can help you strengthen your golf game and avoid those pesky sand traps.
- Learn Golf: Teeing Off: Start at the beginning with this video that shows you how to set up your golf shot.
- How to Grip the Club Like Tiger Woods: Learn the secrets the best in the game used to play with a little help from this video.
- How to Improve Your Golf Swing: This video discusses how you can use your driver to improve the quality of your golf swing.
- Golf Chipping and Pitching : Choosing Golf Clubs for Pitching: Knowing what club to use can make or break your golf game, so follow the tips from this video to get some help.
- Basic Golf Etiquette and Techniques: This series of videos will help you learn to play golf in a way that doesn’t bother others on the course around you.
- Free Secret Golf Tips: Viewers of this video series will learn all kinds of small ways they can work to improve their golf game.
- Golf Swing: Developing Arm Speed: Get some pointers on how you can improve your swing by giving this short video a look.
- Top 25 Golf Pro Lesson One Leg Swing No Weight Shift: This video, and the others in the series, can help you learn to practice your golf moves even when you’re not on the course.
Winter Sports
Those who enjoy getting out in the chilly winter weather to play sports will enjoy these instructional videos.
- Learn to Ski: Follow these instructional videos as they take you through step-by-step on the fundamentals of skiing.
- Ski Basics for Beginners: Those who’ve never skied before may want to check out this video designed just for newbies to the sport.
- Advanced Snow Skiing: This series of videos is directed at the more experienced skier who wants to add a few new tricks to his or her book.
- How to Ice Skate: This video shows those new to ice skating how to do a forward crossover, but other videos in the series show a wide range of simple and more complicated moves as well.
- Ice Skating Tips for Beginners: Whether you want to learn to skate to play hockey or just for some exercise, these instructional videos can help you get started on the right foot.
- How to Play Hockey: Here you’ll find a video detailing the equipment you’ll need to play hockey. Other videos in the series will take you through the rules of the game, scoring, and how to move around on the ice.
- How to Play Goalie in Hockey: If the idea of pucks flying at you sounds exciting, you may want to play goalie, and this video can show you how.
- How to Snowboard: Get the basics on snowboarding in this video and others in the series so you can hit the slopes in style.
- Learning to Snowboard: This CBS program shows what it takes to get started in snowboarding and can help you know what to expect.
- Learn to Speed Skate: Follow news anchor Mindy Basara as she gets some pointers from Olympic speed skaters in this video.
Water Sports
Take to the sea or a nearby lake with some instruction from these sports related videos.
- Learn to Surf 1-2-3: Learn the basics of surfing in this instructional video geared towards female surfers, and from the others that follow in the series.
- Wakeboarding Lessons: Cormac O’Carroll of Hawaii Water Sports Center in Hawaii gives you all the information you’ll need to get started wakeboarding.
- Learning to Surf with Surfer Joe: Check out this video series to help get a handle on the basics of surfing and what you’ll need to do to stay upright on a wave.
- Beginning Water Skiing: If skiing is more your style, try out this video series which will help you learn the basics of getting up and staying up on water skis.
- How to Water Ski: This instructional video series will help you learn what you can do on and off the water to ensure you have more fun the next time you’re water skiing.
- How to Teach Kids to Swim: While you may not be a kid anymore, that doesn’t mean you can’t take something away from these videos. They lay out the basics of swimming in an easy to understand manner.
- How to Swim Competitive Butterfly Stroke: Learn to swim this stroke by following the instructions contained in this video.
- How to Swim Competitive Backstroke: If the butterfly isn’t your thing, take a look at this video on doing the backstroke instead.
- Water Polo Basics: Learn the basic rules and plays of water polo through this helpful video series.
- Competitive Rowing Tips and Techniques: Here you’ll find information on the basics of competitive rowing, which can be a great workout for your upper body.
Get some fundamentals and workouts from these YouTube yoga videos.
- How to Do Power Yoga: Take your yoga routine up a notch with this instructional series, which will show you how to do a wide variety of moves, including the downward dog.
- How to Do Yoga With Blocks and Straps: If you feel more comfortable doing yoga with blocks and straps, you can learn more about the process from this video.
- How to Do Office Yoga: You don’t need to go to the gym to do yoga. This series of videos will show you moves you can do at your desk at work.
- How to Learn a Handstand: Get some help doing this yoga pose with guidance from this instructional video.
- Hatha Yoga Bends and Twists: Stretch out your body with Hatha yoga. These videos can show you a variety of moves to get you started.
- How to Do Yoga Poses for Beginners: Learn some basic yoga poses from these videos.
- Ashtanga Yoga Demo: Follow along during this demo of the Ashtanga style of yoga.
- Abs Yoga for Beginners: Give your core a good workout by taking a look at this video.
- Yoga Journal Learn Yoga: This series of videos from Yoga Journal features Natasha Rizopolous. She’ll take you through a variety of poses throughout the series.
- Kundalini Yoga for Beginners: Here you’ll find a video that’s part of a series to show you how to do a number of moves that form Kundalini yoga.
General Fitness
Learn to maximize your workouts from running to lifting weights with guidance from these videos.
- How to Jog 4 Miles the Right Way: Learn how to jog for long distances without hurting yourself with help from this video.
- Weight Lifting Exercises for Beginners: These videos take you through some introductory weight lifting exercises.
- How to Lift Weights Properly: Make sure you don’t get hurt when you go to the gym by watching this animated video.
- Powerlifting Techniques: Those who want to take weight lifting to the next level can get some advice on powerlifting from this video.
- How to Use Gym Machines: Make sure you’re getting the most out of your gym workout by checking out this series of videos.
- Marathon Training Exercises and Preparation: This video, and the others in the series, will give you some idea of what you’ll need to do before you decide to run a marathon.
- Trail Running Tips: Combine your love of running with a scenic trail. This video can help you find out what you’ll need to do to get started.
- Running Tips and Techniques: Ensure your run doesn’t leave you hurting afterwards by watching this helpful series of videos that go over how to stretch, eat and more.
- How to Do Fat Burning Exercises: This cardio workout is designed to help you burn fat better and faster.
- Aerobic Exercises for Beginners: Here you’ll find a series of videos that help you learn some basic aerobic exercises, starting with turn steps.
These videos can give you advice on a wide range of sports and fitness activities.
- How to Play Volleyball: Whether you play on the beach or in a gym, this video series will give you the skills you need to get out on the court.
- How to Play Badminton: Learn the basics of the game and the footwork and swings you’ll need to play badminton from this helpful video series.
- How to Box: This video will show you some basic defensive techniques and how to deliver a good one-two punch.
- Archery Tips and Techniques: Follow along through this video series to learn how to prepare your archery equipment, avoid hurting yourself and to actually hit the target.
- How to Buy a Bicycle: Biking for exercise or just to get to work in the morning can be a great way to stay fit and have fun, but first you’ll need a bike that can do the job. This video will show you how to choose a bike that suits your needs.
- Gymnastics Moves and Routines for Beginners: This video, and others in the series, will show you how to do some basic gymnastics moves which you can improve upon later, with supervision of course.
- John Cena Teaches Wrestling: Professional wrestler John Cena shows some basic moves to students in this helpful video.
- How to Skateboard for Beginners: Learn how to stay upright on a skateboard with the videos from this introductory series.
- Learn How to Fence: Learn the art of the sword fight with some advice from this video and others in the series.
- How to Play Lacrosse: The Basics: Here you’ll find the information you’ll need to learn the basics of the game of lacrosse.
- How to Play Cricket: While not especially popular in the US, this game enjoys popularity all over the rest of the world. Learn the basics of how it’s played through this video series.
- How to Play Rugby: Get fit and have fun playing rugby with help on the rules and various plays in this informative video series.
Posted in Health and Wellness -- No Comments
By Megan Jones
With air pollution, harmful pesticides and an unhealthy diet, your body is probably full of chemicals and poisons that you don’t even think about. If you want to detox your entire body, mind, spirit and life, turn to this list, which has over 100 ideas from medical professionals for removing the poison.
10 Goals for Every Day
Keep these 10 tips in mind each day for a regular detox session.
- Watch less TV: Watch less TV, if any. Your mind will be freer to concentrate on more important things than annoying commercials, celebrity gossip and superficial materialism.
- Limit your online activity: It’s pretty much impossible not to log on to your e-mail accounts everyday, but limit the rest of your online activity, including going to fluff sites and playing online games. You’ll be more productive and will probably end up using the time you would have wasted on something more important and fulfilling.
- Stop gossiping: Always thinking and spreading nasty thoughts about others brings your own mood and self-confidence down.
- Use non-toxic cleaners: Using non-toxic home cleaners helps rid your home of unnatural substances that can be harmful to your health.
- Quit smoking: Cigarettes contain over 4,000 different chemicals, including nicotine, tar, hydrogen cyanide and even arsenic, all of which are poison to your body.
- Exercise: Exercising helps purify your mind and your body by releasing aggressive emotions and endorphins. Exercise also helps your body take in more oxygen and pump your blood faster.
- Sleep better and longer: Learn valuable techniques for getting a more relaxing, effective sleep each night in order to let your body fully recuperate from the previous day.
- Introduce organic produce into your diet: Fresh, organic fruits and veggies are free of toxins that harm your body and interfere with great taste.
- Limit the number of pills you pop each day: If you have a chronic health condition, we’re not asking you to stop taking pills. But if you pop several pills every time you have a teensy headache, you’re putting way too many kidney-damaging chemicals into your system.
- Breathe deeply: Breathing deeply increases the flow of oxygen into your body and relax your mind.
Physical Poisons
From alcohol and drugs to chemicals in your beauty products, make a concerted effort to rid your body of these poisons.
- Limit alcohol consumption: While researchers have found that moderate consumption of red wine does have health benefits, drinking too much damages your liver, weakens your heart, and can make you feel tired and worn out, since it interferes with your sleep.
- Drugs: Drugs are incredibly toxic to your body and your life, weakening the immune system, causing rifts with family and friends, ruining your career and taking a major toll on your body.
- Go easy on makeup and beauty products: Consider using natural makeup and beauty products that are free of chemicals that can be harmful to your skin. Or, take a look at these tips to limiting the amount of makeup you put on each day without compromising your looks.
- Give your hair a break: Hair dyes contain a lot of unhealthy chemicals that are bad for your hair and scalp but can also be damaging when you breathe them in every couple of weeks.
- Try skin brushing: This detox strategy involves stimulating your skin in order to increase "its rate of elimination of toxic waste products, which decreases the demands placed on the kidneys."
- Consider a colon cleansing: Colon cleansings are believed to remove the body of parasites and other toxins that can interfere with digestion and general health.
- Have sex: Having sex can give you energy, help you sleep better, reduces cholesterol, reduces stress, increases the flow of oxygen to your brain, and can even be a natural pain reliever.
- Do a juice fast: Juice fasting is controversial, but it’s also a popular way to detox. Juice fasts are done with the goal of reducing animal products and cooked food products from your system in order to cleanse your body.
- Hydrotherapy: This alternative health practice can be done at a spa, sauna or even in your shower. By alternating the temperature of the water, you can reduce inflammation, stimulate your body’s circulation and remove waste from body tissue.
- Take herbs: There are a number of natural herbs that can be used for internal and external detox, like yucca root and licorice root, which are laxatives; milk thistle seed and dandelion which support the liver; pumpkin seed which expels parasites; and cranberry and witch hazel, which are anti-inflammatory and antioxidant herbs.
Social Poisons
Give your social behavior and expectations a real makeover by considering these detox tips.
- Close or increase privacy settings on your online dating profile: Online dating companies can be extremely beneficial to some individuals, but posting photos and information about yourself online can attract unsavory characters who badger you with inappropriate messages.
- Volunteer: Increase your social circle by volunteering. Doing something for the good of others is also a selfless act that is good for your conscience.
- Reconcile with family and friends: Don’t let a grudge or a fight with friends affect your conscience or your mood. Reconcile with estranged family members and friends to give your social life a detox.
- Stay in: If you’re always going out with friends, take a night to yourself and stay in. You can give your mind and body a rest from all of the external stimulations and social pressures by relaxing at home.
- Go out: On the other hand, if you’re always at home, try to go out every once in a while and be social with the community around you. Even if you aren’t out for an organized event with friends, opening yourself up to spending time with other human beings can help you feel more relaxed.
- De-stress at work: For some people, going to work means feeling stressed out as soon as they sit down as their desks. Learn to de-stress at work by staying organized and tuning out annoying or over demanding co-workers.
- Learn to tune out: Tuning out gossipy friends, media messages and moody strangers will keep your mood elevated and your mind free from worry about everything going around you that you can’t control anyway.
- Separate yourself from the pack: Don’t go along with everything everyone else is doing just because they say so. Separate yourself from the pack by doing what makes you feel right and the things that honors your life choices and long term goals.
- Be responsible: Take responsibility for yourself and your actions, and you’ll find that you end up taking much better care of yourself, physically, emotionally and socially.
- Smile: Smiling can help you focus on the positive and forget about negative thoughts and feelings that plague you.
Productivity Drainers
Mass e-mails, violent video games and even telemarketing calls are a real drain to your productivity and fill up your mind with useless garbage. Rid yourself of these poisons by taking a look at our list below.
- Improve your focus: By keeping track of your time and setting goals throughout the day, you’ll be able to stay focused on the things that matter.
- Unsubscribe to blog feeds: Clean out your inbox by unsubscribing to all the RSS feeds and newsletters that keep you away from your work and focused on unimportant things.
- Eliminate distractions: Distractions can be poisonous to your schedule and your mindset, so turn off the TV, block certain websites and unplug the phone until you complete your to-do list.
- Stay nourished: Hunger drains productivity and can negatively affect your metabolism if it’s been too long since your last meal.
- Ignore "nasty people": The Random Hitz blog maintains that "nasty people drain productivity in the workplace," so try to tune out competitive co-workers, backstabbers and the office gossip to stay focused and keep your energy high.
- Turn off the instant messenger: Unless you do business over instant message, sign off your account or create a new one just for work. Chatting with friends will keep you from your work, making you feel anxious and unprepared at the end of the day.
- Violent computer games and video games: Playing violent computer or video games is not just a productivity drain: it also fuels your mind with overly aggressive images that can affect your perspective on real life.
- Exercise your brain: Keep your brain sharp by doing simple mind exercises that can keep Alzheimer’s and dementia at bay.
- Get a spam filter: Get a spam filter for your e-mail account so you don’t have to look at crass junk mail messages all day long.
- Get an unlisted phone number: Keep your phone number out of the phone book and off of telemarketing lists so that you don’t have to stress yourself out over prank calls, sales calls and other annoying phone calls.
Meditation Tips
Meditation is an effective technique for ridding your mind and body of poisonous thoughts and energy drainers.
- Follow a specific program: Play one of these meditation guides to help you focus and relax.
- Meditate alone: Being along is an important strategy for effective meditation.
- Eliminate external discomforts: Make sure the room is a comfortable temperature and the lighting is just right for your meditation.
- Be patient: This tip will prevent you from getting too overwhelmed if you feel like meditation isn’t working at first.
Emotional and Mental Health
De-stress by opening up and acknowledging your feelings. These tips are also meant to boost your self-esteem and remove toxic thoughts that sabotage your emotional health.
- Counseling: Talk to a counselor or psychologist regularly so that you can hear yourself work through your problems. Setting aside an hour each week also ensures that you make you time to address your feelings, instead of burying them until they manifest in an unhealthy way.
- Be social: Getting out with friends or even going to a coffee shop will make you feel more connected to the community around you and can distract you from your own problems for a while.
- Open up: Share your thoughts, goals and feelings with a friend or family member to purge yourself of anxiety, self-doubt, or any other negative emotions.
- Self confidence: Give your self-confidence a boost and get rid of negative thoughts that harm your spirit and prevent you from doing the things that make you happy.
- Set realistic goals: By setting realistic goals, you’re more likely to feel a sense of achievement and triumph as you complete each one.
- Understand your body: To prevent poisonous thoughts and mental disorders like depression or anorexia/bulimia, get to know your body and your mind. Appreciate yourself for who you are and understand what triggers can set you off so that you can avoid feeling down.
Organization Tips
Staying organized will elevate your mood and keep your surroundings clean and bacteria-free.
- De-clutter: Clutter around your house and in your schedule can cause you to feel stressed, anxious and even unhealthy, if your clutter is really dirty.
- Take out the trash frequently: This tip may seem like a given, but taking out the trash instantly removes poisons and waste from your surroundings.
- Budget: Organize your budget to avoid overspending, debt, unpaid bills, unpaid taxes and other stress factors that could land you in serious trouble.
- Schedule: Prevent scheduling conflicts, missed appointments, over bookings and running yourself ragged by maintaining a calendar or date book.
- Get tech help: Use an online program like Tada Lists or Remember the Milk so that you don’t have to keep up with to-do lists floating around your car, office and home.
Simplify Your Life
By simplifying your life, you can have more time to concentrate on your health. From re-prioritizing your to-do lists to automating regular tasks like bill paying, consider downsizing in the following ways.
- Just say no: Don’t agree to run every event, attend every meeting or go to every party. Saying no can free up valuable time for yourself and prevent you from over stimulating your mind.
- Keep things perspective: Instead of overreacting to every setback, keep things in perspective. Ask yourself if the problem at hand will matter in six days’ or six months’ time. Most of the time it won’t, and you can save yourself a lot of toxic worry.
- Automate regular tasks: Set up an automatic bill pay or savings action so that you don’t have to waste time writing checks each month, and so you won’t fall behind on payments.
- Take time out: Slow down every once in a while to give your mind and body a rest by taking a long weekend, going on a relaxing vacation or just making room in your schedule for an extra nap.
- Cut back on communication: Don’t isolate yourself, but minimize the different communication platforms like Twitter, e-mail, Facebook and VoIP that you check each day to eliminate extra junk mail, distractions on welcome pages and useless messages.
Food and Diet
If you aren’t ready to start a full-on detox diet, introduce fresh, organic produce, fiber and plenty of water into your diet as a gentle and healthy way to rid your body of chemicals.
- Fiber: Fiber cleanses your body and your digestive tract, so opt for foods like whole wheat bread, brown rice, broccoli, bran cereal, corn and other raw vegetables and fruits.
- Vitamin C: Vitamin C is a great detox agent for cleansing the liver, as it produces glutathione.
- Water: Water is one of the easiest and most effective ways to flush out your system. It’s also a good substitute for soda, alcoholic beverages and sugary juices when you’re thirsty.
- Garlic: Garlic is a great ingredient for promoting good health, especially detox, as it is rich in antioxidants.
- Organic foods: Incorporate organic foods, especially fruits and vegetables into your diet, since they are free of harmful pesticides and chemicals.
- Locally grown food: For a more socially conscious move, buy locally grown food to support your community in a green way.
- Ethical food: Ease your conscience by making sure your food was produced in an ethical way, from conditions of slaughterhouses to Fair Trade coffee growers and harvesters.
- Blueberries: Blueberries are extremely high in antioxidants and keep your brain sharp.
- Say no to junk food: Processed junk food full of unnatural sweeteners and chemicals pumps poison into your body, can cause you to become overweight, and negatively affects your heart health. Even diet junk-food is processed and unhealthy.
- Raw food: Whether you live a completely raw food and product lifestyle, or you’d like to try a raw food detox diet, raw food can be an effective way to cleanse your body of animal products and processed ingredients.
Exercise and Sleep
Getting enough of the right kind of exercise and sleep purifies both your mind and your body.
- Cardio: Besides being a major calorie-busting workout, a cardio routine is also good for anger management.
- Yoga: Yoga is one of the most popular exercises for a de-stress, detox lifestyle because it eases the mind, decreases blood pressure, increases your respiratory efficiency, helps digestion, improves focus and posture, and helps you sleep better.
- Pilates: Like yoga, pilates can boost energy and your immune system without requiring a sweat-inducing cardio workout.
- Reduce your body fat: Besides looking more in shape, reducing your body fat, which is where a lot of toxins in your body are stored.
- Swimming: The website The Natural Path describes swimming as a good exercise for detox, as it works out your muscles and heart but also "increases your breathing and your body temperature, thus aiding in your internal cleansing." Try to swim in a pool with as less chlorine as possible, or in a natural body of water.
- Sweat: Pick an exercise that makes you sweat, which cleanses some toxins from the surface of your body.
- Exercise the right way: Make sure you’re following the routine or fitness plan exactly; otherwise, you might injure yourself.
- Keep a regular sleeping schedule: This schedule should include a routine for preparing for bed and making yourself sleepy, as well as waking up at around the same time each morning.
- Exercise for sleep: Maintaining an active lifestyle can wear your body out just enough to ensure a restful sleep.
- Protect your sleep environment: Polluting your bedroom with TV, artificial light from your computer and work materials can interfere with your sleep.
Good Lifestyle Choices and Links
Make good lifestyle choices, by avoiding promiscuity, maintaining proper hygiene and considering a holistic or even macrobiotic lifestyle.
- Go organic: An organic lifestyle rids your body and environment of pesticides and may also mean that you support local growers and more ethically produced foods and products.
- Promiscuity: This bad habit increases your chances of catching an STD and feeling emotionally dragged down.
- Holistic lifestyle: A holistic lifestyle gives equal attention to your mind, body and spirit, so that you monitor the health and toxicity of every part of yourself.
- Macrobiotic lifestyle: A macrobiotic lifestyle "is a way of life based upon living in harmony with nature through a balanced whole foods diet, an active lifestyle, and respect for the natural environment," according to CrescentLife.com. Get tips for living this way by following the link.
- Go vegan: There are a host of benefits associated with a vegan lifestyle, like good nutrition, disease prevention, avoiding harmful processed ingredients, helping the environment and more.
- Oral hygiene: Your oral hygiene affects your overall health, so make sure your floss and brush a few times daily.
- Bathing: Wash off the dirt, chemicals and other toxins on your skin by bathing regularly.
- Wash hands frequently: Avoid getting sick by washing your hands frequently, which kills germs and washes off other harmful bacteria.
- Feng shui: The purpose of practicing feng shui is to balance out your elements and promote the free flow of energy, greatly reducing the toxicity and stress of any environment. Get easy-to-follow tips here.
- Pranayama: This yoga breathing exercise maximizes the amount of oxygen that goes to your brain, controlling "Prana, or the vital life energy."
- Strategic massage: Get a massage that stimulates your digestive system and increases your body’s ability to eliminate waste.
Purifying Your Environment
This list features different ways that you can purify your environment and ensure that your home, office and commute are free of all kinds of pollutants.
- Drive an eco-friendly car: An electric car is good for the environment and your health, since you won’t have to breathe in toxic fumes at the gas station.
- Walk or bike to work: Another way to prevent inhalation of gas fumes is to walk or bike to work, if you can find a route that doesn’t involve riding behind other gas guzzling vehicles.
- Grow a garden: Grow your own vegetables to cut back on pesticides and environmentally harmful packaging and delivery methods.
- Make your own household cleaning products: There are a lot of recipes online for concocting your own supply of household cleaning products, free of dangerous chemicals and chlorine.
- Composting: Recycle your waste and feed your garden by composting.
- Keep plants indoors: Having plants indoors increases oxygen production and zaps up extra carbon dioxide, purifying your air.
- Aromatherapy: Natural aromatherapy can be a great help to simple ailments and colds, and it’s also a good stress reliever.
- Throw away pet waste: Clean out the cat’s litter box and pick up after your dog, even in the backyard, to prevent the spread of bacteria that can make you and your family sick.
- Air quality: Make sure the air quality in your home or office is healthy by ventilating the rooms, changing out your air filters and using natural home furnishings and carpet.
- Sustainability: Sustainable living is an ethical and practical way to live, as it saves you money on energy costs and is good for the environment. Get tips for living a sustainable, poison-free lifestyle here.
Posted in Health and Wellness, Nursing Resources -- Comments Off
100 Networks and Resources for Male Nurses
July 16th, 2008
Male nurses have to fight stereotypes and discrimination every day just to get the same training and professional experiences as female nurses. To help you find support, inspiration, academic programs and professional leads, we’ve compiled a list of 100 different networks and useful resources just for male nurses.
Stay motivated with theses real-life stories of success and inspirational messages for male nurses.
- A Male Nurse’s Perspective: In this article, a male nursing student reveals his advice for succeeding in a female-dominated field.
- These Men are Nurses…and They’re Proud of It: The Daily Pennsylvanian’s news story profiles nursing students and asks them what gains still need to be made in the professional and academic field of nursing.
- Kudos for the Black Male Nurse: Read the testimony of this minority nurse to find out why he considers all of the discrimination and stereotypes worth it in the end.
- Male Nursing Trends: This blog post urges men and women to get over the petty prejudices of seeing men in nursing in order to finally "see a true profession with a true voice."
- Proud to Serve: The Evolution of Male Army Nurse Corps Officers: Read this article for serious inspiration and a realistic look at a history of men in nursing.
- Hispanic Men in Nursing: In this story, five Hispanic male nurses talk recruitment, discrimination and their special talents.
- Male Nurses Bring Diversity to Gundersen Lutheran: This hospital supports its minority nurses and appreciates the special talents they bring to the table.
- Male Nurses Find Positives to Being the Minority: Give yourself a boost in confidence by reading this article, which offers a positive look at how "attitudes are shifting" in the nursing profession.
- Male Nurses Stitching Stereotypes" This article goes over some of the more positive aspects of being a male nurse, like the expected salary and work culture.
- Nursing and Healthcare Prayers and Poems: 4nursing.com has put together this list of inspirational prayers, poems and stories to keep you motivated day after day.
Support and Forums
Below are links to nursing forums and messages about male nursing. Get in on the discussion to ask questions, get advice from other nurses and stay connected.
- Male Nurse Magazine: On this site, you’ll find information about careers, YouTube videos about nursing and literature and statistics about fixing the nursing shortage.
- A few good men: Read NurseWeek’s story about how "Male nurses defy stereotypes and discrimination to find satisfaction in a female-dominated profession" to regain some perspective on your career choice.
- Being a Male Nurse: Read the messages on this thread or submit one of your own to discuss what it’s like to be a male nurse.
- Women’s Interest in Male Nurses: Find out what women nurses are saying about their male colleagues in this forum thread.
- Wanted: More Male Nurses: This blogger uses Ben Stiller’s character in Meet the Parents as an example of how male nurses need more support.
- Shortland Street: More Male Nurses: The TV fans on this forum talk about how there aren’t enough male nurses as characters on TV.
- Male Nurses Forum: Here you’ll be able to find all the messages and threads about male nursing on the site in one spot.
- Nursing Voices: This is the site where nurses from around the world talk about nursing, health care, politics, nursing in the media and other related topics.
- Care Nurse: Nurses can turn to this site when they need help coping with stress, anxiety, and workplace discrimination, or if they just need a break from the hospital.
- Nurse-Forum.com: Recent threads on this site include "Travel Nursing," "Nursing Talk" and "Nursing News."
This list features resources for nursing students and men who are wanting to go back to school to enter a nursing program.
- Men in Nursing: This page gives an overview of the number of men in the nursing profession, the daily duties of a nurse, and what schools are doing to recruit male students in nursing programs.
- Recruiting Men into Nursing School: This article takes a look at the strategies nursing schools design in order to attract and retain male students.
- Male Nurses Move Beyond Stereotypes: This story from the Goshen College alumni bulletin takes a look at discrimination in male nursing education, as well as the progress that’s been made in this field.
- AllNursingSchools: Search nursing programs and learn about different nursing careers on this site.
- Male Nursing Scholarships: Learn about scholarship opportunities just for male nurses here.
- NursingSchools.com: Search online nursing degree programs and traditional school programs on this site.
- The Male Nursing Student: This article has information about finding the right nursing school and getting involved in male nursing organizations to help you get support and find connections.
- Accredited Online Nursing Schools: If you want to pursue a nursing degree online, use this guide to help you pick the right program.
- Discover Nursing: Discover Nursing is another website that lets you search schools by state, school type or enrollment size. You can also find articles and resources to introduce you to nursing as a field of study and a profession.
- RN Builder: Check out the interview with a nursing student to find out what you can expect in school. This site also has informative articles and videos to help you with your search for the right nursing program.
Join up with other male nurses by becoming a part of these networks.
- Ultimate Nurse: Look for jobs, participate on the forums, and learn about educational opportunities on this network.
- MinorityNurse.com: On this site, male nurses can find school scholarships, read about men in the nursing profession, get an overview of nursing in general and even search for jobs.
- Nurselookup.com: Visit this site to take part in the link exchange lounge, members lounge, education location, Nursing Board lounge and other spots to learn about nursing, education programs, statistics and more.
- AllNurses.com: This all-in-one nursing community has forums, plenty of nursing articles, news stories, a job board, a section just for students and even a nursing gear store.
- Nursing for Nurses: Nurses and nursing students can share ideas on the forums on this site.
- Reality RN: This online nursing community is for "new nurses" needing "real conversations." You can find blog posts, interviews, job tips and more.
- Nursing Link: Nursing Link is "where nurses call the shots," and the site features information about scholarships, jobs, finding a work-life balance and a members’ community.
- Campus RN2RN: Nursing students can meet up with employers, other nursing students, mentors and friends on this networking site.
- National Network of Career Nursing Assistants: This particular page has information about male nurses and ensuring "adequacy of staffing" for male nurses.
- Nurse Groups Network: This social networking site is just for nurses, so you can build up your contacts to find support and jobs.
Professional Organizations
For help finding a job or the right nursing program, or just to find support and keep up with industry news, consider joining one of these professional nursing organizations.
- The American Assembly for Men in Nursing: This organization supports and advocates male nurses and male nursing education. Any male or female nurse can become a member.
- The National Nurse: This nonprofit group advocates quality health care and promotes public awareness and research for professional nursing.
- Men in Nursing: UNC-TV’s North Carolina Nurses page gives an overview of how male nurses fit into the profession and a brief summary of The American Assembly of Men in Nursing organization.
- US Nursing Network: The USNN aims "to provide qualified and competent nursing professionals to hospitals and/or long term care facilities." Join the network to find jobs and make new contacts across the country.
- National Student Nurses’ Association: There are over 50,000 members enrolled in the NSNA, a group that offers mentorship, professional development advice, scholarships and more.
- American Nurses Association: This official organization’s motto is "caring for those who care." Members have access to career advice, job searches, certification help, and plenty of news about health care policies, legislation and more.
- Nursing associations by state: View this list of nursing associations by state to link up with the right group.
- Minority Nursing Associations: As a male nurse, you’re already in the minority, but this list provides information for the National American Arab Nurses Association, Asian American/Pacific Islander Nurses Association, Alliance of Minority Medical Associations and others.
- Specialty Nursing Organizations: This page links you to the sties for specialty nursing groups like the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, American Association of Colleges of Nursing, American Radiological Nurses Association, and many more.
- National Nursing Organizations: For all other national nursing groups in the U.S., turn to this list.
These articles and news stories consider how the landscape of nursing is changing and how male nurses fit into the female-dominated profession.
- Why so few male nurses?: This story follows a male nurse who went back to school and continuously confronts the stereotypes of being a male nurse.
- Is There a Male Nurse in the House?: This news article wonders why male nurses are leaving the profession "at almost twice the rate of their female counterparts."
- Men in Nursing: This lengthy article discusses the changing landscape of the nursing profession and how men and women are working towards "neutralizing the gender issue."
- Stereotypes Down for Male Nurses: This article jokes that "aside from the WNBA, it’s hard to find a career as thoroughly dominated by women as nursing." Keep reading for profiles of four male nurses and nursing students to learn how this stereotype is being fought.
- Male Nurses are Becoming More Common: This 2003 article reveals how more men are entering nursing. Find out if it’s still true today.
- Insider Knowledge and Male Nurses: Why Men Enter Female-Dominated Occupations: See if you agree with this paper that aims to find out why men enter traditionally female occupations like nursing.
- Male Nurses are Few, But Proud: An NYU male nursing student "feels like Barney when he walks through the hospital in his purple scrubs. But in NYU’s nursing program, seeing a dinosaur in a hospital corridor wouldn’t be much more rare than seeing a male nursing student," according to this article.
- Do Male Nurses Handle Stress Better?: Consider this stereotype in favor of male nurses and against their female colleagues.
- Increase in Male Nurses Causes Social Change: The landscape of nursing is changing, and this student newspaper article takes a look at the possible social effects.
- Male Nurses Receive a Touch Tutorial: This informative article tackles the unpleasant issues of how male nurses should touch and evaluate their patients, especially female ones.
Blogs and Resource Centers
Read personal stories and get general information from nursing guides from these blogs and resource centers online.
- St. Vincent’s Hospital Darlinghurst - Male Nurses: This Australian blog focuses on male nurses and nursing at this specific hospital but proves to be a good read for male nurses anywhere.
- 4nursing.com: Turn to this resource for access to health directories, inspirational stories, links to personal nursing websites, and articles about all other nursing topics.
- Men in Nursing: For a general synopsis of men in nursing, take a look at this Wikipedia entry, which has statistics, a history of male nursing and insight into prejudice and discrimination in the field.
- Men in Nursing: Menstuff lists photos, links and other resources on this page to give a brief history of men in the nursing profession.
- The National Nurse Blog: Here is the blog for the nonprofit group, The National Nurse. YOu can find news, legislation updates, and advocacy events.
- Licensed to Ill: This is the diary of an "angry male nurse" from California. Recent posts include "Search and Destroy" and "The Racist Medical Field: Racist R.N’s: Race Warfare."
- NurseSean: Nurse Sean is a "29 year-old, gay, partnered nurse." His site includes a blog, a manifesto of his vision for the future of nursing and a bookstore.
- Richard Ferri: On this site, you can find blog posts, essay and fiction writing, and medical writing from Richard Ferri, a writer/journalist/nurse.
- StaffNurse.com Nursing Blogs: Read blogs by student nurses here, and then visit the rest of the site to find nursing jobs and nursing news articles.
- Mediblogopathy: This network of nurse blogs features a seemingly unending list of bloggers and new posts to keep you entertained and updated about nursing news and trends.
- Joe’s Resource Center for the Male Nurse: Categories on this site include How Nurses are Made, Software, Equipment, Traveling Nurse Agencies, Adult Education and other helpful resources.
For a laugh, take a look at these humorous gag gifts and stories.
- Murse Mug: Check out this mug for the male nurse.
- Male Nurse Action Figure: Keep your patients and colleagues laughing with this action figure designed from a male nurse.
- Bad Handwriting Nurse: Check out this funny cartoon of a male nurse with bad handwriting skills.
- Be Nice to Male Nurses: Wear this t-shirt that warns "be nice to me when you’re in the hospital! You’re butt is in my hands!"
- Surrounded by Hot Male Nurses: Read one female patient’s account of her trip to the hospital, during which she was surrounded by hot male nurses at her beck and call.
- Medical Terminology for the Layman: Some Words You Should Know: This silly glossary includes words and definitions like "dilate: to live long" and "protein: in favor of young people."
- Focker School for Male Nursing: If you want to perpetuate the stereotype or just show Ben Stiller’s Meet the Parents character some love, carry around this oversized mug.
- Medical Humor: Find nursing jokes and funny health care stories here.
- Nurstoon: Find nursing comic strips online in this list.
General Medical Resources
Here you’ll find medical resources that will keep you informed, from quick references to medical search engines to nursing glossaries.
- Modern Medicine: Nursing: Read nursing news stories and search the reference shelf on this site to stay informed about industry news.
- NurseZone.com: This site has a section for student nurses, as well as for those who want to move up in their careers, learn about nursing news and link up with travel nursing gigs.
- Study Tips from Former Nursing Students: Get valuable tips to survive nursing school here.
- PubMed: Search for medical articles, studies and more on this government website.
- Glossary of Nursing/Medical Degrees and Certificates: Brush up on the acronyms for every nursing and medical degree or certificate here.
- MedTerms: Look up medical definitions, diseases, symptoms, and health stories on this website.
- Omni Medical Search: This medical search engine brings up authoritative results as news, stories, images and more.
- Trustaff Glossary: Understand all of the terms associated with travel nursing on this site.
- Medical Word Search: Look up medical terminology, health statistics, papers, medical domains and more on this site.
- Essential Nursing Resources: NYU’s site lists books, websites, databases, forums, guidebooks and more resources for all areas of nursing, including alternative medicine, grants and other areas.
Jobs and Career Links
For help finding a job to understanding the job outlook for male nurses, turn to this list.
- Male Nurses: This career website gives insight into what male nurses can offer and how old stereotypes about males in this field are illogical.
- Travel Nurse Source: Learn about the benefits of travel nursing on this site, which also connects you to featured agencies and job searching advice.
- Should Male Nurses Work with Female Patients?: Consider this question when applying for your next job in nursing.
- Nursing Poll: If you currently work in nursing, take a minute to complete this poll to share with AllNurses.com which area of the field you work in: oncology, hospice, management, ER, pediatrics and others.
- Nursing Jobs Help: Browse articles, get job hints, find out what nurses really do and get help preparing your application on this site.
- Mid-Career is Common Entry Point for Men in Nursing: Find out why the many male nurses enter the field after years of work in another field.
- Men at Work: Male Nurses Hit the Road: Get statistics, job outlook information and travel nursing trends in this article.
- The Role of Men in the Nursing Profession: Learn about nursing shortages, nursing salaries, and the career path for a male nurse in this article.
- Going Beyond the Jokes: The Truth About Male Nursing: Discover how being a man in a female-dominated field can mean good job security for you.
- AACN Professional Nursing Network: Search for jobs and opportunities on this network.
Posted in Nursing Resources -- No Comments
100 Food Blogs to Inspire Your Healthy Eating
July 15th, 2008
Even if you’re not on a weight loss program, your body craves fresh, healthy food. At the same time, you’re probably trying to balance out a sensible diet with good taste. These 100 food blogs are maintained by writers and medical professionals who understand that making good meals means incorporating flavor as well as healthy ingredients. This list has something for everybody, from hardcore dieters to gluten-free eaters to natural and organic foodies.
Diet Specific
Read this list to find blogs for the South Beach diet and other specific regimens.
- Kalyn’s Kitchen: Kalyn posts recipes that follow the South Beach diet in this colorful blog full of photos.
- Iateapiet.net: Here, you’ll find healthy "diet" food reviews and product information, from the Tropicana Strawberry and Banana Fruit Smoothie to Lean Cuisine meals to high fiber diets.
- The Zone Diet Plan Blog: Though this blog is no longer active, it contains a lot of statistics and specific information about how eating according to The Zone Diet helps you lose weight.
Yummy Recipes
On these blogs, you’ll find scrumptious recipes for healthy snacks and sensible meals.
- Diet Recipes Blog: All the recipes on this blog are for meals and snacks under 200 calories.
- Food Dosa Recipe: Find quick recipes for healthy meals here.
- Healthy Recipes: Browse through the archives to get recipes for for blueberries, meals packed with fiber, and even leftover Thanksgiving turkey.
- Diet Pulpit: This food and diet blog has tons of recipes for healthy eating.
- Food View Blog: Discover three years’ worth of yummy light and healthy recipes on this blog, from breakfast, dessert, dinner and more.
- Healthy Eating: Recent recipes on this site include summer salads and inventive recipes that introduce avocado into your diet.
- Healthy Menu Mailer: From winter vegetable soup to healthy Halloween treats, you’ll find health food recipes for every occasion here.
Healthy Snacking
Instead of reaching for candy or chips, stock your desk or your refrigerator with healthy snacks like these.
- The Healthy Snacks Blog: Recent healthy snack ideas include honey wheat pretzel sticks and cottage cheese, pineapples and strawberries. You’ll also find product reviews of popular snacks.
- Healthy Snack Box: This blog teaches readers to "cook with fruit and vegetables to make tasty, healthy and cheap meals" and snacks.
- Fruit Species: This blog is all about fruit, a smart and healthy snacking option.
- Really Useful Fitness Blog: Get ideas for healthy snacks that complement your fitness plan here.
- Healthy Diet Snacks Blog: This new blog has low-calorie snack ideas that are still yummy.
- Vital Juice Daily: This resource is packed with great ideas for being healthy all day everyday.
- The Office Diet: If you’re known to snack all through your work day, read this blog for healthy snack ideas and motivation to stick to your diet.
- Healthy Snacks for Kids: Though this blog focuses on kid-friendly foods, healthy eaters of any age will have fun reading about the importance of healthy snacking and finding unique recipes.
- The Chocoholic Health Blog: If you reach for the chocolate every time you want a snack, read this blog to learn about satisfying but healthy alternatives.
Vegetarian and Vegan
Those on a vegetarian or vegan diet will love these blogs, full of recipes, photos and tips for smart shopping.
- Fat Free Vegan Kitchen: Go through the recipe index to discover meals like vegan omelets, crustless tofu quiches, enchilada casserole and even macaroni and cheese.
- The Great Big Vegetable Challenge: This mother and her son work their way through trying all kinds of vegetables and vegetable recipes from A to Z.
- Tinned Tomatoes: Tinned Tomatoes is maintained by a Scottish blogger and features vegetarian recipes and photos for meals like Balsamic Beetroot & Chickpea Salad with Mint.
- A Veggie Venture: Find recipes for vegetarian meals like warm German potato salad, and feta-stuffed zucchini. You can search by vegetable, the author’s favorites, weight watchers and low-carb meals.
- Veggie Meal Plans: From chocolate sesame cookies to spinach and artichoke filo pastries, this vegetarian food blog has tons of great recipes.
- Savvy Vegetarian Blog: On this blog, find "news and opinion on vegetarian diet and nutrition, vegetarian lifestyle, green living, and environment."
- Veg Cooking: From nondairy ice cream to pineapple curry, this blog keeps vegetarian cooking fun and interesting.
- Andrea’s Easy Vegan Cooking Blog: Finding vegan recipes and ingredients is easy when you turn to Andrea’s blog for ideas.
- Eat’n Veg’n: Find Get recipes and vegan shopping tips on this photo-packed blog.
- Day to Day Vegan: Read about this family’s attempts to eat vegan for every meal.
Gourmet Meals and Blogs from Chefs
Eating right doesn’t mean that you have to sacrifice gourmet meals. These chefs show you how to get the best of both worlds.
- Whole Gourmet: This natural foods blog is all about cooking gourmet meals and sharing grocery shopping tips.
- Health Chef Alex: Recent posts on this blog include "Viva Las Vegan!" and "Healthy Travels in London," as Chef Alex urges you to "eat your veggies!"
- Skinny Chef: Chef Jennifer Iserloh believes that you can trust a skinny chef, and on her blog, she shares recipes, webcasts and healthy living tips.
- Feel Good Eats: This blog is written by a chef and includes recipes that use natural, local and/or seasonal ingredients.
- 7 Minute Chef: Inspired by the book 7 Minute Chef: Simple Tools for a Lifetime of Health, this blog features posts about raw and vegan diets, recipes for unique and delicious salads, and product reviews of diet books, kitchen appliances and more.
Raw Food and Macrobiotic Diet
Learn about raw and macrobiotic diet lifestyles in these blogs, which also share recipes and reviews of food products.
- Raw Food: Learn about raw food products and recipes, and the raw food diet here.
- Becoming Whole: Get recipes, information about the macrobiotic lifestyle and more on this site.
- We Like it Raw: On this raw food blog, you’ll get tips on raw food cooking as well as recipes and ideas for eating out.
- The Raw Diva’s Blog: This blog is all about "raw food solutions for women," and categories include Cravings, Greens, Health in High Heels, Raw Resources and more.
- Jessica Porter’s Hip Chick Blog: Watch videos on macrobiotic cooking, get recipes and learn about the macrobiotic lifestyle in general.
Green Eating
Read below for natural, organic, locally grown, sustainable and ethical recipes.
- Nourish Me: Browse tantalizing photos of fresh, natural foods on this blog, from quick cucumber and carrot pickles to lemongrass, ginger and coconut rice.
- Local Harvest Blog: The Local Harvest community blog is no longer active, but still has great posts about traveling around the country to visit farms and local growers. Play around on the rest of the site to learn about local farmers and where you can buy fresh food.
- The Ethicurean: This blog is all about SOLE food, food that is sustainable, organic, local and/or ethical.
- The Slow Cook: While this food blog isn’t all about super healthy choices, it does encourage readers to reject fast food and more processed foods by taking "back control of the food we eat and the pace of our own lives."
- Mighty Foods: This blog covers "the who, what, how and why of natural foods," and includes product reviews, recipes, studies and trends, eco-kitchen musts and more.
- Calendula and Concrete: A Washington, D.C. blogger writes about organic gardening in this blog.
- Mostly Eating: This English foodie writes and shares recipes for healthy meals using mostly sustainable ingredients. Browse photos for truly delicious looking dishes.
- Organic to Be: Visit this blog for organic recipes for members of the entire family.
- Nature Moms Blog: This "guide to natural family life" has recipes and snack ideas that fit in with a natural lifestyle.
- Organic Authority: Get organic food recipes, organic gardening tips and general health tips for the organic lifestyle here.
Healthy Food From Around the World
If you’re in the mood for something more exotic but don’t want to give up your healthy eating choices, turn to this list.
- Figs, Bay and Wine: The Mediterranean food diet has caught on, and you’ll find recipes and photos in this sophisticated blog.
- My Tiny Plot: This English woman writes about her vegetable garden and eating fresh produce. You’ll find recipes and delicious-looking photographs of her harvest.
- MediterrAsian Cooking: Get recipes and learn about the benefits of Mediterranean and Asian dishes here.
- Blog of Herbs: Use this blog to find herbs and ingredients that help with digestion, weight loss, general nutrition, and of course adding oomph to your everyday meals.
Healthy Eating for Kids and Picky Eaters
Discover recipes, food items and ingredients that even your kids and other picky eaters will enjoy.
- The Doof Blog: Doof is Food spelled backwards, and this blog is all about making eating right fun for kids.
- Healthy Recipes for Kids: From fruit pizzas to deviled eggs to spaghetti squash, find ways to transform your kids’ favorite foods into healthy meals.
- Feed Yourself: This blog aims to show readers that yummy food doesn’t have to mean processed food or fast food. Find whole food recipes and meal ideas here, from tofu tacos to peanut butter banana muffins.
- My Husband Hates Veggies: If you’re tired of fighting with your kids (or husband) over vegetables and healthy eating, get ideas from Kitty, who’s "attempting to trick her husband into eating his vegetables" with yummy recipes.
- Healthy Snacks for Kids: From health food pizzas to tips on getting your kids to want healthy food, this blog is a great guide for conscientious parents.
- Super Healthy Kids: Read about this family’s mission to become a family of healthy eaters. You can also read recipes for apple oat muffins, healthy breakfasts and more.
Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
For healthy food ideas for every meal of the day, visit these blogs.
- This Mama Cooks! On a Diet: Turn to this all-in-one food blog that posts restaurant reviews, fitness news, diet trends, and of course recipes for every meal of the day.
- A Recipe a Day: Not all of these recipes are low-fat or low-carb, but most of them are made from fresh ingredients. You’ll also find a lot of fat free recipes by browsing the different categories.
- But Weight, I CAN Eat It!: This "lifetime Weight Watcher" posts about the foods she wishes she could eat as well as the healthy choices she does.
- Gina’s Weight Watcher Recipes: All the recipes on this blog, no matter how delicious and decadent they look, abide by the Weight Watchers rules. Browse by point system or meal type.
- Healthy Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle: Learn how to prepare all of your meals the healthy way by reading the posts on this blog.
Easy Meals and Real Stories
Get inspired by these bloggers, who understand that whipping up a quick but healthy dinner is important.
- Joanna’s Food: Joanna’s family became inspired to eat healthy after a medical emergency gave her a wake up call. The foods and recipes on her blog are healthy by still easy to make.
- Fresh Mouth: Fresh Mouth is the blog for one family’s "mission to eat only fresh food or processed food with 5 ingredients or less for 30 days." You’ll find recipes, fun food surveys, and inventive meal ideas here.
- Healthy Cooking: Find manageable recipes for healthy meals on this site. Recent recipes include Healthy Lentil Brown Rice Soup and Easy, Healthy Whole Wheat Pasta Meal.
- Easy Low Fat Recipes: From low fat cocktails to low fat entrees, you’ll find recipes for every day and occasion on this blog.
- Vegetarian Foodie: This author loves mixing "great food, wine, family and friends" and shares with readers how to do the same.
Gluten Free
For gluten free recipes and information, check out these two blogs.
- Gluten-Free Girl: Gluten-Free Girl has been reviewed by Newsweek and The Seattle Times, and features gluten-free recipes, recommendations for places to eat out, gluten-free cookbooks and more.
- Karina’s Kitchen: This gluten-free goddess posts recipes for banana-apricot hemp shakes, Mediterranean fish with rice and other yummy treats.
General Nutrition
Reading about nutrition should inspire you to treat your body to a healthier lifestyle. Learn about general nutrition while finding healthy recipes here.
- Eat This!: Find out how many calories are in your typical Mexican dish, get recipes for dairy free banana bread and learn about which diets celebrities are trying on this blog.
- Learn About Weight Loss: This weight loss blog focuses on healthy eating choices and how to lose weight by altering your eating schedule.
- Weight Loss Made Easy: Recent posts on this healthy food guide include "3 Healthy, Power Breakfast Choices," "High Fiber Foods" and "Healthy Snacks."
- Laurel on Health Food: Blogger Laurel shares news, recipes and general nutrition ideas for foods and ingredients, as well as healthy conditions, like sugar, coffee, leafy greens, heart disease, stress, meat, chocolate and more.
- Mark’s Daily Apple: Get the lowdown on healthy and not-so-healthy food choices on this blog. Recent posts dissect ketosis, portion control and starter recipes.
- Marc Joseph Nutrition Blog: Get inspired to eat healthy when you read this blog, which posts about omega-3 and omega-6 fats, diabetes, "the science of appetite" and even arsenic.
- NAFWA Blog: This is the blog for the Nutrition and Food Web Archive. You can read about healthy food and cooking, how nutrition affects your overall health and immunity and more.
Weight Loss
If you’re trying to lose weight, check out this list, which features blogs that combine recipes, fitness tips, healthy drinks and even health risks associated with poor eating habits.
- diet blog: This blog urges readers to "eat right. Get healthy." Recent posts include "On a Budget: 7 Tips for Healthy Food Shopping" and "Big Breakfast Diet: A Diet That Works?"
- Eating Fabulous: Eating Fabulous is a diet food with categories for healthy snacks, immune defense, fruit and vegetables, organic produce, healthy beverages and more.
- Eat4Today: This blogger dishes on food and the news of the day. Read about health risks associated with being overweight, vitamin supplements and more.
- Hungry Girl: On Hungry Girl, you can do the weekly weigh-in, read about food and fitness news, and discover Hungry Girl’s Chew the Right Thing items, like the Mexi-licious Salad Explosion and Strawberry Shortcake, which have realistic calorie counts and recipes.
I you’re bored of eating yogurt or granola as a healthy dessert alternative, turn to these blogs which have recipes for all kinds of tasty, inventive treats.
- Diet, Dessert and Dogs: Learn to eat your dessert the healthy way when you read this blog and get recipes for egg and dairy-free butter tarts and other treats.
- The Urban Vegan: This blogger often posts about great dessert finds that are also vegan-inspired and healthier options than many other desserts.
- Weight Watchers Recipes Blog: Find healthier snack and dessert options on this blog.
- The Penguin Chef: The Penguin Chef serves up delicious recipes "for the vegan dessert lover."
- My Sweet Vegan: You can learn about the vegan lifestyle on this blog, which also frequently posts healthy dessert recipes.
Eating Out
Don’t give up your good eating habits when you go out to eat: these blogs will keep you motivated.
- We Want Clean Food!: Restaurateur, chef and former punk rocker Ric Orlando blogs about picking and choosing clean food. He shares tips for making sure your food is "clean" even when you eat out or are on the go.
- HappyCow’s Vegetarian Guide: This network posts information about vegetarian restaurants and stores all over the world, so you can eat healthy even on vacation.
Food News and Health
The following list includes blogs that offer medical advice, FDA reports, recipes, health food myths and more.
- JunkFood Science: This nurse blogs about "news on food, weight, health and healthcare that mainstream media misses."
- What to Eat: NYU professor Marion Nestle blogs about obesity, calorie counters, public health, dietary guidelines the FDA, smart foods and more.
- The Heart of the Matter — Eating for Life: Find recipes and inspiration for eating heart-healthy meals on this blog.
- Limes and Lycopene: This Australian blog "aims to cut through the rubbish, misinformation and downright silliness about health, diet and naturopathy."
- Diet Detective Blogs: Recent posts from bloggers on this network include " Oregano ingredient effective against inflammations" and " Eating Slowly Can Help You Lose Weight."
- Circle of Food Blog:Find recipes as well as food safety information and medical news here.
- Diabetic Recipes - Diabetic Meals: Diabetics can find sugar-free and other yummy recipes just for them on this blog.
Our final list features a mix of foodie blogs that will inspire you to eat right everyday.
- The BTD/GTD Blogs: You’ll learn about eating for your blood type and related diets on this site.
- Eat Right Daily: This blog is full of inspiration for homemade, fresh and generally healthy meals. Browse categories like pasta, fish, salad, poultry, dessert and others.
- Diet and Healthy Eating: Self magazine’s blog features celebrity diets, healthy seasonal recipes and ideas for eating healthy while on vacation.
- Healthy Food Journal: Read about all the healthy foods that are out there on this blog, which posts recipes and health food news.
Posted in Diet and Nutrition, Health News, Health and Wellness -- No Comments
50 Fun Ways to Maximize Your Brain Fitness
July 14th, 2008
While working out and eating right are key parts of being fit and living a long and healthy life, what many people fail to think about is the health of their brains, the organ running the whole show. Your brain needs to get a workout too in order to keep itself in tip top shape and keep you mentally healthy for the rest of your life. Here are some ways that you can give your brain a challenge and have fun at the same time.
Get your brain in shape while you get the rest of your body fit as well.
- Take your dog for a walk. Don’t take your usual route, however. Try going down a block you’re unfamiliar with, stopping to talk to others along the way, challenging yourself to name the birds you see or anything else that helps get you moving and thinking.
- Go for a jog. Running helps to boost levels of oxygen in your brain and helps your body to produce more endorphins, which will make you feel energized and happier, and what brain doesn’t love that?
- Play a sport. Playing a sport not only gets you up and running around but forces you to think on your feet (literally) and make snap decisions of where to run or throw the ball, keeping both mind and body in shape.
- Dance. Dancing is a fun way to get some exercise. Try learning a new dance to challenge your brain to remember the steps or find a partner for some dance floor socializing.
- Throw a ball around. Working on improving a sensory-guided movement like throwing and catching a ball can improve your brain’s visual, tactile and hand-eye coordination responses and keep them sharp well into old age.
Many foods have a big impact on your brain, so try these tasty dishes to improve your mental abilities.
- Eat a variety of foods. Cooking yourself a rainbow of different foods can help keep your brain healthy for years to come. A varied diet provides numerous vitamins, minerals and nutrients that are needed to keep your brain in top shape.
- Make some blueberry pancakes. Or just enjoy the blueberries by themselves. Either way, these brain boosting berries can have a big impact on your mind. Studies have found that blueberries help protect the brain from oxidative stress and may reduce the effects of brain impairing conditions like Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, as well as improving the learning capacity and motor skills of older test subjects.
- Drink pomegranate juice. Pomegranate juice isn’t only a delicious treat — it can also help keep your brain up and running smoothly. It contains loads of antioxidants which protect the brain from the damage of free radicals.
- Have some sweet potatoes. Whether you enjoy them in a pie, as fries, or in any other form, sweet potatoes can be a great brain boosting food. These tubers, like carrots and spinach contain beta carotene which has been shown to improve brain health and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s.
- Drink water. Refreshing yourself with a cold glass of water can be a great and fulfilling way to keep your brain at its best. Like all organs in your body, the brain needs water to function properly, so keeping it hydrated is key.
- Enjoy some guacamole. Eating avocados can be a great way to improve your brain health, as they contain monounsaturated fats which improve blood flow and lower blood pressure. Hypertension is a risk factor for a decline in mental abilities, so any foods that lower this risk should help you out.
- Brew a cup of tea. Two to three cups a day of freshly brewed tea, whether hot or iced, can help enhance your memory and improve your mood and focus. Tea contains contains caffeine which when used in small amounts can be a great way to boost your brain power.
- Eat breakfast. A healthy breakfast that is. Eating cereals or toasts that contain whole grains can give you a great morning boost. They help keep your whole body healthy, especially your heart, which is incredibly important to keep blood and oxygen pumping to your brain.
- Eat dark chocolate. Indulge your chocolate cravings and improve your brain health by eating some tasty dark chocolate. Chocolate triggers the systems in your brain that pump dopamine. These systems enable learning and memory, and having a bit of chocolate can boost these, keeping your brain fit and happy.
Get Out
Don’t just sit around the house, get out and try these fun ways to keep your brain in shape.
- Visit a museum. A visit to a local museum can be a great way to challenge your brain and have a good time. Try challenging yourself to remember everything you saw and relate it to a friend or in a journal later on. Activities that force the brain to receive, remember and think hard help prevent mental decline and improve brain function.
- Memorize a song. Listening to music is not only something that’s enjoyable — it can also be a way to work out your brain. Choose a song you don’t know and work at memorizing the lyrics. Focusing on listening to the song will boost the levels of acetylcholine in your brain, improving your memory abilities.
- Go exploring. There are likely places in your own community or neighborhood that you haven’t fully explored. Seeing new things can be a great way to help your mind think about new things, and it can be a fun way to spend an afternoon so long as you don’t get lost.
- Take a trip. Experiencing new cultures, trying new foods and seeing historical places engages many parts of the brain and keeps it active and sharp, especially if you’re attempting to speak a foreign language on your trip.
- Play with a pet. Playing with a pet can make you happy, get you moving and help ease feelings of loneliness and unhappiness. A happy mind is a healthy one.
- Meet up with friends. Social interaction forms a big part of long term brain health. Those with weak social relationships have been shown in studies to have higher incidences of mental illnesses than those who maintain close social bonds.
- Go see something funny. Sometimes laughter really is the best medicine. Cognitively complex humor forces you to think and makes you happy, allowing you to have fun and pump up your brain power at the same time.
- Keep in touch with friends and family. Humans are social animals, and we need social interactions to help keep us mentally healthy. Talking with family and friends, especially those that provide mental stimulation and discussion, can be a great way to form a strong social network that can help keep you healthy for a long time.
Games and Hobbies
There’s no excuse to be bored with so many brain worthy games and hobbies out there to pursue.
- Play a video game. While it may not seem like much of a challenge, playing certain video games can actually be good for your mental health. Choose games that require strategy or problem solving or check out some that are designed specifically to challenge your brain.
- Play a board or card game. Whether you challenge a kid to game of checkers or play poker with your friends, these kind of games are great for the brain. They challenge your memory and test your math and logic skills.
- Play pool. Pick up a pool cue and get to playing a game to improve your brain health. Players must think ahead to their next moves, strategize and concentrate in order to win, giving the brain a quick and fun workout.
- Get on the greens. Golf not only gets your body moving but also allows you to engage socially with others. It also can improve mind-body coordination and uses brain power to plan shots and make decisions.
- Do a jigsaw puzzle. Puzzles are a fun and challenging way to get your brain working. You will have to think ahead, see things conceptually, and analyze things visually. Get additional benefits by working on the puzzle with a friend.
- Do a crossword. Crossword puzzles can help to boost your recall skills while improving your cognitive abilities and creative thinking. Plus, you’ll feel great when you finish a puzzle.
- Build a model. Or if you’re not into building models, choose another activity like jewelry making or photography that requires close concentration and understanding of the process of construction. Focusing on the task can engage the brain and can also be a lot of fun.
- Pursue a hobby. No matter what you’re into, whether it’s cars or gardening, pursuing a hobby can be a great deal of fun. It can also be a wonderful way to work your brain. Study up on new aspects of your hobby, concentrate on a certain task or meet with others who share your interests to get the most brain work out of your hobby.
Lifelong Learning
Keep your brain busy throughout your life with these learning opportunities.
- Learn to play a musical instrument. Or just play one you already know how to play. Music can be very challenging to the brain as it recalls how to play the instrument, read music and keep up with the tempo of the song.
- Read a book. Whether you read fluff or classic literature, reading a book can be a great and fun way to boost your mental abilities. Reading helps you exercise your cognitive skills and increases your vocabulary, not to mention providing a great way to relax.
- Watch an art film. Watching a movie that requires your full concentration to understand can be a great way to engage your brain while learning more about art and culture. Read literature about the film after you’ve seen it and think about your own responses to it to further boost the mental benefits.
- Debate. A friendly debate over the pros and cons of an issue can be a great way to keep you thinking on your feet as well as improving your logic and creativity. You’ll also get the benefits of interacting socially with someone, whether it be a friend or a coworker.
- Create mind maps. Sometimes laying out your ideas on paper can be a great way to get your brain up and moving and out of a mental rut. Force yourself to connect ideas and to think outside the box when brainstorming.
- Sign up for a daily. Whether you get a daily newsletter or just sign up for a word of the day in your inbox, this daily mental stimulation will help boost your memory, increase your mental stimulation and if nothing else help you sound smarter in conversation.
- Take a class. Learning something new can be a great way to challenge your brain and force it to think in new ways. Whether it’s learning about what wine to have with dinner or learning how to do roundhouse kicks, classes will force your brain to retain new information and assimilate new ideas and concepts.
- Learn a new language. While not everyone considers learning a language fun, it can be a great way to give your brain one heck of a workout. Acquiring a new language will help keep your brain flexible and your memory and recall skills sharp. Plus, it can be a great skill to have on your next vacation.
Stress can have an incredibly negative impact on the brain, so try these tips to relax.
- Meditate. Meditation helps to focus the brain and helps reduce the harmful effects of too much stress. Best of all, you can do it anywhere.
- Sleep in. Getting a few extra hours of sleep if you’ve stayed up late can help rejuvenate you and improve your mental abilities. So enjoy resting just a little bit longer on Saturday mornings.
- Do yoga. Yoga can be a great workout for your body, but it can also give your mind a chance to relax and recover from stress. Try taking a class or doing yoga at home to calm your mind and train it to concentrate on breathing and movements rather than worries.
- Express your spirituality. Studies have shown the embracing a faith or spiritual belief, no matter what that may be, can help reduce stress and can have many mental benefits.
- Try tai chi. Tai Chi can be a great way to get your body moving but also to relax and force your mind to concentrate on each movement in turn.
- Take a nap. If you’re feeling run down and mentally numb, a quick nap may be just what you need. Even just 20 minutes of sleep can leave you refreshed, physically and mentally.
Challenge Yourself
Make your brain workouts a personal challenge with these suggestions.
- Use your peripheral vision. Next time you’re waiting for the bus or hanging out at a cafe, try this mental exercise. Look straight ahead and note everything you can see both in front of you and in your peripheral vision. Challenge yourself to recall everything and write it down. This will force you to use your memory and boost the levels of acetylcholine, a chemical essential to focus and memory.
- Turn down the TV. Turn down your TV so that you can barely hear what is being said, and challenge yourself to listen intently to what is going on. this intense focus will challenge your brain, and it can also help improve your listening abilities.
- Take it up a notch. Take an activity you already do to work your brain like doing a crossword puzzle or a sudoku and take it up a notch. See if you can complete it faster or more thoroughly than you were able to do before.
- Try using your other hand. Most people can only use one of their hands with any degree of coordination, so make a game of using your other hand to do things like write, draw and do small tasks. This is a huge challenge for your brain as it adapts to using a part of your body differently than it’s used to.
- Combine activities. Instead of just taking a morning jog, why not take a morning jog while listening to an audio book? Combining activities forces your brain to work at doing more in the same amount of time, giving you a great mental and physical workout.
- Break your patterns. If you find yourself doing the same things, day after day, it may be time for a change. Brain health depends on novelty and the acquisition of new or different information, so change up your routines now and then to keep your brain on its figurative toes.
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50 Online Tests and Tools to Calculate Your Health & Wellness
July 10th, 2008
By Megan Jones
Everyone has concerns about their health. Whether they worry about their risk of getting a hereditary disease or just feel they aren’t getting the right nutrition, it can be hard sometimes to figure out just how healthy you might be. While going to the doctor is the only real way to ensure you have a clean bill of health, these online calculators and tests can help you determine if you’re at risk and should consult a physician or just help you determine some fitness and health goals for yourself.
Put your diet to the test with these helpful tools.
- Nutritional Needs Calculator: Determine how many calories you should be taking in each day with this online calculator.
- Nutrition Quotient Test: How much do you know about nutrition? This test will show you how much you do or don’t know about eating well so you can improve your diet.
- Is Your Diet Healthy? Quiz: You may think you’re eating healthy but there are many foods that aren’t as good for you as they seem. Take this quiz to find out if you’re getting the nutrition you need.
- Summer Hydration Quiz: Test yourself on what it will take to keep you hydrated this summer.
- Healthy Snacks Calculator: Find out what portion size makes up a healthy snack using this online calculator.
- Daily Carbohydrate Requirement: Carbs may get a bad rap but they are what fuels your body and lets you keep going. Find out how much you should be eating each day.
- Food Calories and Nutrition Calculator: Get the lowdown on just what is in all your favorite foods using this helpful calculator.
- Nutrition IQ Test: This test lets you showcase your knowledge, or lack thereof, on a wide variety of nutrition related issues.
Optimize your workouts with a little help from these tools.
- BMI Calculator: This calculator can help you get an estimate of your body fat percentage.
- Waist to Hip Ratio Calculator: The waist to hip ratio has been shown to be a fairly accurate indicator of health in both men and women. Find out if you fall within the healthy range with this calculator.
- Target Heart Rate Calculator: Use this tool to get an estimate of what heart rate you should aim for when doing cardio.
- Activity Calorie Burn Rate Calculator: Find out just how many calories your workout is burning using this helpful activity calculator.
- Ideal Body Weight Calculator: While everyone has a different personal ideal, this calculator can help you get an ideal of what weight you should be aiming for in your fitness plan.
- Exercise Savvy Test: How much do you really know about working out? This test can help you find out.
- Pace Calculator: Those aiming to improve their time running a mile (or several) can use this calculator to find out what pace they need to maintain to meet their goals.
- Weight Room Quiz: Weight training is an important part of any workout routine, but are you doing it right? This quiz can help expose any gaps in your knowledge.
- Walk/Run Metabolic Calculator: This calculator helps give you a somewhat scientific result of your metabolic rate based on how fast you’re walking or running.
- Age Equivalency Calculator: Tailor your workouts to your age using this calculator, which gives you age appropriate equivalents to most exercises.
Illness and Disease
These tests can help you get an idea of your risk level for certain illnesses.
- Diabetes Risk Test: Does diabetes run in your family? Find out just how high of a risk you have for becoming diabetic by taking this test.
- Hereditary Cancer Quiz: If you have several family members who’ve had cancer, it’s worth your time to take this test to determine your risk of getting the same condition.
- Stroke Quiz: Find out how much you know and don’t know about strokes by taking this quick quiz.
- Herbal Remedies Quiz: If you prefer to go the natural remedies route, test your knowledge of what herbs work best on this site.
- Cold, Flu or Allergies Quiz: Keep yourself from taking unnecessary medications by using this quiz to determine whether you’re suffering from a cold, the flu or just allergies.
- High Blood Pressure Risk Quiz: Hypertension can cause a myriad of health problems, so take this quiz to find out if you’re at risk for developing it.
- Headache Impact Test: Do you suffer from persistent headaches? This test lets you figure out just how much these migraines are impacting your life and what you can do to get some relief.
- Cholesterol IQ Quiz: See if you know what it takes to keep your cholesterol under control in this American Heart Association sponsored quiz.
- Medicine Quiz: This quiz will give you an idea of what you should be doing to take your medication properly.
- Osteoporosis Risk Test: Many older women may be at risk of developing osteoporosis. Determine your risk by taking this bone health test.
- Asthma Zone Calculator: If you use an inhaler, this calculator can help you to determine just how much help you might need from it.
- Breast Cancer Risk Assessment: Breast cancer kills thousands of women each year, so find out what your risk is using this quiz and what you can do to prevent it.
Overall Wellness
Test your general wellness with these sites.
- Real Age Test: You may not actually be that old but that doesn’t mean your body isn’t feeling older. Take this test to determine your real age.
- Wellness Inventory: Evaluate every aspect of your personal wellness using this comprehensive site.
- Sleep Hygiene Test: Sleeping well is a very important part of a healthy lifestyle, so use this test to figure out if you can’t help yourself sleep better and more soundly every night.
- Smoking Calculator: Smoking takes a huge toll on your physical health as well as your financial health. Find out just how much you’re spending to maintain your habit using this calculator.
- Life Expectancy Calculator: Get an estimate of your life expectancy based on several factors using this calculator.
- Poison Prevention Quiz: Find out how to keep your kids safe from poisonous materials around the house using this quiz.
- Arthritis Assessment Quiz: Access your risk of arthritis and your symptoms using the quizzes on the Arthritis Foundation’s site.
- Weight Impact On Health Quiz: See how your weight is impacting your health, for better or worse, by answering the questions on this quiz.
- Ovulation Date Calculator: Those trying to get pregnant can use this calculator to determine when they’ll be most fertile.
- Are You As Healthy As You Think You Are? Quiz: Take this quiz to see just how healthy you really are. You might be surprised!
Mental Health
Keeping your mind healthy is just as important as keeping your body in good shape. Use these tools to make sure you’re on track for mental well-being.
- Burnout Self Test: Feeling overwhelmed by work and home life? See how close you may be to burnout by taking this quiz.
- SanityScore: This site can help you to determine if you’re at risk for developing any mental illnesses.
- Depression Screening Test: If you think you might be depressed take this test. It will help you determine what’s wrong and assist you in finding help.
- Eating Disorders & Emotional Eating Test: Find out if you might be suffering from either of these eating related problems by taking this test.
- Anger Test: Do you find yourself constantly feeling angry? This test can help you determine if you may need to find ways to diffuse your anger to benefit your mental health.
- Anxiety Test: Stress can have a big impact on your health, and this test can help you determine how anxiety may be affecting your life.
- Resiliency Quiz: Finding it hard to bounce back after stressful events? You may have low resiliency. Take this quiz to find out.
- Adult ADD Questionnaire: Many sufferers of adult ADD go undiagnosed. You can start getting help by taking this questionnaire.
- Mania Questionnaire: Find out how manic you are by taking this short questionnaire.
- Alcoholism Screening Test: If you feel that your casual drinking may have taken a turn into addiction, take this test to find out if and where you should seek help.